
Building materials export growth decreased

Foshan Inspection and Quarantine Bureau analysis of the ceramics industry is facing a variety of difficulties, including the downturn in the real estate market in Europe and the United States, caused by the over-reliance on real estate ceramics industry needs a serious recession, exports fell for the inevitable trend. In the same situation, the domestic market is also declining, forcing more companies to the international market to find buyers, so exports intensified competition, disorder greatly increased. At the same time, more than 40 countries and regions, mandatory certification or ceramic performance special requirements of ceramic products from China.
In addition, the ceramic enterprises facing financing difficulties. Currently, Foshan City, about 100 production line shutdown. This also led to the transfer of ceramic enterprises, Guangdong Foshan ceramic enterprises have transferred economically underdeveloped areas and expansion, the formation of a large number of new production capacity.
Anti-risk ability of large enterprises.

Question: will affect the backward production capacity and energy savings
The fundamentals of the country to maintain growth, the local government in order to maintain the growth rate, whether be backward production capacity given the green light is not known. In the case of many building materials difficult to finance for SMEs, industry, energy conservation work will be affected, insiders also expressed concern.

Prediction: next year's increase in export volume and price will drop
China is the world's building materials export, natural stone, stone coated metal roofing tiles ,glass fiber yarn, flat glass products, exports accounted for 40% to 60% of the volume of world trade, cement and clinker exports account for the volume of world trade of processed glass, kaolin products 20% to 30%. On the building materials market in the world, China has established a certain basis, has covered more than 100 countries and regions, only one of the developed countries, one-third of the market price to the average export price of the overall building materials. Given these advantages, Cui source says that, in 2009, the building materials export to China will remain a major exporter.

Recommendation: increase the export value-added products to our market diversification strategy
Financial tsunami, the experts advise companies to keep an eye and detailed study of the latest impact of the subprime mortgage crisis development of the building materials industry brought, formulate corresponding exports of high value-added products to strategic absorb the relevant authoritative point of view, to achieve development provide a basis for decision making and business operations. At the same time, but also the strategy of market diversification. The subprime mortgage crisis on financial related degree lower emerging market impact is relatively limited, recommends that companies can address these emerging markets to increase efforts to open up to fill the existing market, stock market incremental. In addition, to strengthen the export risk management. Foreign trade enterprises to conduct export business, to strengthen links with overseas customers, tracking overseas customers credit dynamic; to strengthen export receivables tracking Dunning; management strengthen internal contract (documents); strictly fulfill the obligations of the seller in the business contracts to strengthen goods quality inspection.
edited by stone coated steel roofing tiles


 Chinese building materials companies borrow exhibitions attack Saudi market
Montreal over the gold in Saudi Arabia has long attracted the Chinese businessmen to the Nuggets, however, the special nature of this country and makes is not so easy to open up this prosperous land.
Strict visa regime in Saudi Arabia, the implementation of the system of the back to sign, the approval process is complex and time-consuming, and restrictions on foreign unmarried women is particularly strict.
Feng Exhibition, the faucet manufacturing enterprises in Guangdong Province, Guangdong Huayi Sanitary Ware Industry Co., Ltd., chairman of a dealer in Saudi Arabia 10 years of business, has never set foot in this land.
Feng Song the exhibition told reporters, Guangdong Huayi Sanitary Ware Industry Co., Ltd. is a Saudi agents to do their own design (ODM) faucet production of approximately 3 million U.S. dollars in annual exports, occupies a 5% share of the Saudi market.
And stable economic conditions in Saudi Arabia compared to the traditional market outlets in Europe and America do not see a big improvement. The enterprise's exports in January to July this year compared with the same period last year declined. Holding you want to expand the share of emerging markets hope exhibition Feng, and Kaiping dozen sanitary enterprises with a delegation to enroll on December 18 this year to 20 May 2012 held in the Saudi capital Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (China) International Sanitary Building Hardware Exhibition Saudi The Chinese commodity Zhanqia Hui.
Judging from the current situation, in order to enter the Saudi market, the primary way is to participate in a variety of building materials exhibition, held in the Middle East region to showcase China's building materials products to Arab countries customers price and quality advantages. The third Saudi China commodity Zhanqia Hui cum 2012 Saudi Arabia (China) International Sanitary Building Hardware Exhibition organized by the Chinese government autonomy has been the strong support of the Saudi government, visa and a series of tedious problem can be resolved smoothly.
CCCMC understood as the show organizers have seen this opportunity and is positive for Chinese exhibitors to prepare a variety of online and offline promotional opportunities, while providing buyers matching buyer database and a variety of value-added Service.
Saudi Arabia, some large bathroom building materials and hardware distribution companies have a strong interest in related products produced in China, said it will participate in the exhibition and in contact with the Chinese enterprises participating.


中国出口“冰点” www.metal-roofing-sheet.com
    1300亿美元!这是今年上半年中国向欧盟出口同比下降3.6%所产生的贸易缺口,相当于上半年总出口额 11312.4亿美元的近10%。从这一比例可以看到,欧债危机在消耗欧盟国家内部经济活力的同时,衰退像感冒一样传染到了其他国家。
    与上述企业有相同打算的企业并不少。耳机生产商商Sleek Audio、玩具生产商Wham-O等都在今年撤掉了部分在中国的代工工厂,最近的例子则是阿迪达斯。
    “我们目前在广州市周边有一个加工工厂,大约能提供1000个就业岗位,淡季的时候停掉两条生产线,所以有大概20%的工人是应急招募的,如果我们搬到印尼,至少中国要裁员近300人。” 唐杰森表示,“今年以来,劳动力成本的上涨带动了成本上涨近20%,但我们的产品提价幅度不过5%。”
    一达通中小企业外贸景气指数报告显示,7月份我国中小企业日均进出口值为 34135美元,环比下降5.4%。中小企业在7月份的用工需求人数较6月增长13%,但相应的用工成本也较6月增加15%。


2012安哥拉建材展出口非洲国际建筑材料机械五金 详细说明
【英文名称】10th Constroi Angola -- International Fair of Public works, Architecture and Construction Equipment and Materials,stone coated roofing tiles【展出时间】2012年10月25日-28日
【主办单位】Arena Direct
Construction equipment & building material Machinery Construction and Building Material Earth-moving and construction equipment Building materials; glass, metal, stone, cement, timberBuilding material machinery and plants Chemical building products Vehicles for construction and trasport Domestic engineering and technical fittings Drills, pile drivers and pulling tools Safety, security and fire protection equipment Plants and machinery for the cement, lime, sand, clay, gravel and crushed stone industries Bathroom and sanitary installations,stone coated metal roofing tiles, Mixing plants and technology Ceramics for indoor applications Ceramics and glass equipment Windows, doors and interior decoration Lifting and conveying equipment Mounting and fixing systems Compressors, pneumatic and hydraulic tools Paints and surface treatments Machinery, plants and tools for quarrying and tooling natural rock Construction systems, tools and machinery Equipment for natural stone processing Integrated Facility ManagementAccessories and replacement parts Natural stone for facades, interior and exterior applicationsFomework and scaffolding
该展是安哥拉最大的建筑专业展览会之一,是进入非洲市场的门户。Constroi Angola 为国际建筑行业提供了引吸人的在成功的市场平台,为客户之间的相互联系提供了保障,并为建立长期的商务合作提供了机会,是南非最成长最大的市场之一。该展自2003年创办以来,每年举行一届,在该项行业中享有很高的信誉,并被专业观众所认可。
61%的展商确认在展会上达到了他们的预期目标 、 76%的展商打算继续参加2012年该展会、46%的展商在展商现场完成了交易、参展面积为15000平方米,包含3个展馆及室外展参展面积;观众人数为:13500人次;本地及国际展商为:372家、国家展团:德国、巴西、中国、西班牙、葡萄牙、土尔其等;
安哥拉商机--在接下来的几年内,安哥拉的投资金额预计在非洲国家中保持首位。自从内战结束,数以亿计的美元投入到重建工作中,包括增加大量的项目,特别是基础设施和房屋建设。 市政工程部发布信息:20亿美元投入到道路和桥梁建设,投资于国家与国家之间许多重要港口间的铁路体系的改善。住宅建设方面的投资额依然持高,并根据经济发展项目来进行投资,目标是到2012年完成100万新住房单元。
北京宏联中企商务会展公司操作安哥拉市场已有数届,操作经验丰富,Constroi Angola是进入安哥拉市场及开拓新市场的最佳选择!
edited by stone coated steel roofing tiles china


Shanghai Building Materials Exhibition
Show time: September 2012 26-28
Exhibition address: Shanghai New International Expo Center (2345 Longyang Road)
Show the scale: 100,000 square meters of booth number 5500 I expected audience of 150,000 people
China Building Decoration Association
Shanghai Decoration Industry Association
Shanghai Zhongzhuang exhibition industry Exhibition Co., Ltd.
China and Hong Kong, Beijing installed Building Exhibition Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Exhibition Industry Exhibition Co., Ltd.
Edit this paragraph Conference Introduction
Preface: 2012 nineteenth (Shanghai), China Building Decoration and Materials Fair (hereinafter referred to BUILD + DÉCOR Shanghai CBD) will be held 26-28 September 2012 at the Shanghai New International Expo Center grand opening of the current exhibition The exhibition area will reach 100,000 square meters, more than 5,500 international standard booths, another large international scale, brand, specialized "building materials trade event.
Brand, the Beijing-Shanghai linkage: "BUILD + the DÉCOR Beijing State Fair Construction Fair is one of the most famous building materials exhibition in China and Asia, the exhibition aims to build an efficient and high-quality exhibition and trade platform for building decorative building materials industry. Show the scale, the number of exhibitors, trade visitors, trading volume and international influence, second to none in the industry. Building Technology Exhibition Co., Ltd., China and Hong Kong, Beijing installed in 2011 with the Shanghai exhibition industry exhibition company combination, combined both original strong resources, carefully crafted "BUILD + DÉCOR Shanghai Construction Fair", which formed in March Beijing, in Shanghai in September linkage pattern provide quality exhibition and trade platform for manufacturers to develop north-south market.
The industrial clusters Famous meta: "BUILD + DÉCOR Shanghai Construction Fair" on the field of building materials in the upstream and downstream industry chain cluster for the effective integration of indoor and outdoor exhibits covering various parts enable the Shanghai New International Expo Centre N1-N5, E5-E7 a pavilion will showcase ceramic bathroom, ceiling, cabinets, closet, home decor, decorative glass, construction decorative hardware, stairs Wood, mortar, stone, insulation materials, wall decoration, villa building materials and other products. Relying on the unique conditions of economic development in Shanghai, the exhibition start not only get the attention of numerous famous domestic and foreign well-known manufacturers, and actively participate in this exhibition.
Media attention, high quality audience: BUILD + DÉCOR Shanghai Construction Fair "and found room home, Sina home, Sohu home, HC home, Alibaba more than 50 popular online media and print media nearly established a strategic cooperation Union, the full show reports, the huge publicity channels and media attention, "BUILD + DÉCOR Shanghai Construction Fair" has become the focus of attention. Relying on more than a decade's accumulation of the Beijing Construction Fair, 500,000 high-quality audience database, 120,000 strong invitation of international buyers, "BUILD + DÉCOR Shanghai Construction Fair" will bring high-quality trade visitors. "BUILD + DÉCOR Shanghai Construction Fair" is the the decorative engineering design selection of the most high-end professional publishing platform; new products for the field of building materials, new technology applications weathervane; high-end designers, the hotel project, sales agents understand The new trend of building and furnishing materials, discuss the order of the top professional event.
* Building Decoration Hardware / Decorative Hardware, stone coated steel roofing tiles◆ various construction decorative hardware, door control hardware, bathroom accessories, curtain hardware, furniture hardware and all kinds of material doors and windows.
※ architectural decorative glass / Building Glass
◆ architectural glass, decorative glass, art glass sliding door series, sand sculpture series, the series of blown glass, colored glaze, car carved painted glass film, Caijing Li line, glass mosaic, mirror glass, bathroom glass, crystal jade glass, professional manufacturer of furniture, glass, functional glass; the decorative class glass machinery manufacturers; glass supplies like products.
※ ceiling materials Series / Ceiling Materials
◆ integrated ceiling systems: heating module, ventilation modules, lighting modules, spotlights modules, ceiling module, music module, other modules; aluminum buckle, gypsum board, calcium silicate board, mineral wool board, ps board, plywood, fire board, and other systems;
◆ suspended ceiling; ceiling sound-absorbing, sound-proofing material; sound-absorbing panels of expanded perlite, cement, fiber composite materials
◆ integrated ceiling heating systems, ventilation systems, lighting systems, music systems; main keel, times keel, horizontal keel, boom, keel hanging pieces, pendants, Yuba. Connections and other types of ceiling hardware accessories.
◆ integrated environmental stoves, range hood, gas stoves, disinfecting cabinet, kitchen appliances, kitchen ware and so on.
※ soft home decoration materials / Decorative Textile
◆ curtains, fabric, carpets, home accessories, design software
※ cabinets, partitions, stairs, wood / Partition / Stair & Wooden the Products
※ artificial sandstone, GRC, glass steel plastic / Artificial Sandstone / GRC / Glass Steel
※ construction ceramics and kitchen and bathroom facilities / Ceramics / Tiles / Kitchen & Bath
※ stone series: blocks, plates, shaped products, stone products, GRC sandstone environment decoration, machinery and equipment and tools.
※ paint walls clothing series: all kinds of paints, wall clothing, interior wall materials.
※ new building materials series: Series of intelligent building; shade series; sun room series; Green energy-saving building materials series;
※ overall home: wardrobes, cabinets, sliding doors, sliding doors, folding doors, cloakroom kitchen / bathroom home, cut off, aluminum door profiles.
edited by china stone coated roofing tiles


"Deqing" South Africa's remarkable charm

Source: www.metal-roofing-sheet.com Posted: August 6, 2012 09 hours 29 minutes 35 seconds
The economies of Europe and the United States not to force the situation, many companies in order to survive, began to focus on emerging markets. Reporters learned from the County Bureau of Commerce, the 19th South African International Trade Fair has concluded. The Deqing manufacture shine in South Africa, appreciable gains, intention to turnover of $ 2.2 million.
It is understood that the county organized a total of 11 enterprises participated in a total of 16 booths, exhibitors product range covers a wider, covering hardware and tools, small machinery, doors and windows, building materials, stone coated roofing tiles LED lights, freezers, chemical, textile, clothing and so on. In order to attract the attention of merchants, the county Special layout of the exhibition, highlighting the theme of "green Deqing, emerald green as the main tone, using green bamboo embodies the Deqing characteristics. Two four-meter high light box gatehouse, dozens of columns on the light box in the main channel against the background of the the Deqing exhibition as a whole was brilliant, very prominent in the Hall on the 5th. Precisely because of the simple and generous and ingenious layout, so that the the Deqing exhibition won the visitors keep returning high.
Deqing New Minghui electric light source Co., Ltd. is the second time to participate in the South African International Trade Fair. Last year, company executives personally led the exhibitors, for the first time to participate in significant gains. Because the South African market confidence in the new Minghui very early to the County Bureau of Commerce, expressed the desire to once again participating. During the exhibition, this year, new Minghui booth businessmen has always been an endless stream of foreign trade salesman has been busy with merchants to discuss.
Participating in many enterprises, Zhejiang Tengyun Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd. can be said to be pocketed the "limelight". The company produces the freezer because of the appearance and price advantage loved by the customers of South Africa, earlier at the show the first day, all of the exhibits by merchants ordered a blank. Refrigerators, freezers in the South African market, particularly promising. "Led the participating companies relevant person in charge told the reporter, to determine the intention to cooperate with several merchants, with their driven, the latter will also bring some radiation effects.
In an interview with South African exhibitors, the reporter learned that, in addition to seriously reception every potential customers and old customers in the booth, the county enterprises also take the initiative to go to another booth to learn from the exhibits of others, understand the industry, actively discuss and find new customers at home and abroad. Despite the European debt crisis, South Africa's overall economic situation has declined, but it was agreed that the emerging markets in Africa have great development potential. By exhibiting the majority of Deqing enterprises to get the order of intention, and some even find a local agent.
County Bureau of Commerce official said, it can be said to open the South African market, is equivalent to enter the market of "Southern African Customs Union countries and the Southern African Economic Community," the 12-country market. The advantages of their geographical location, the surrounding radiation intensity is very wide, county enterprises can choose the market as a springboard to transfer the product exported to Namibia, Zambia, Kenya and other neighboring countries and regions, the radiation of the sales market is the whole of Africa and Europe , North America and other developed countries. The majority of markets and opportunities to the business opportunity, Deqing Army "should select the appropriate LO products to identify customers by exhibiting better started Deqing" brands.

edited by stone coated roofing tiles


Saudi building materials market demand
  Source: http://www.metal-roofing-sheet.com/ 2012-07-19
Saudi Arabia will be the new 500,000 housing units for residents in the next 10 years, the project is expected to reach 250 billion Saudi riyals (about $ 68 billion). In the above-mentioned project driven, furniture and interior decoration field in Saudi Arabia will achieve tremendous growth. Jeddah, with its unique architectural style known, is considered one of the largest high-end furniture market in the Middle East.
Although the building materials market in Saudi Arabia is actively opening up of China's building materials enterprises. However, China's exports to Saudi Arabia is less than 10 percent of its imports, much lower than Europe and the United States, Japan and other developed countries. This not only challenges to Chinese enterprises in the Saudi development of building materials market has also brought some opportunities. It is understood that Saudi Arabia's annual furniture product sales over 1.5 billion U.S. dollars, and may reach $ 2.5 billion in the next.
Looking at the present, in order to enter the Saudi market, the primary way is to participate in a variety of building materials exhibition held in the Middle East to display the price and quality advantages of the Chinese building material products to Arab customers. It is reported that some of the show organizers have seen this opportunity is to prepare a variety of online and offline promotional opportunities for the Chinese exhibitors, buyers matching buyers database at the same time provide a variety of value-added services. Some large home improvement company in Saudi Arabia also began an inquiry of Chinese furniture, home accessories, lighting, flooring and kitchen supplies.
edited by stone coated steel roofing tiles


The opening of the Eighth China Qingdao International Building and Decorative Materials Exposition 2012-07-17 21:14 Source: Qingdao News http://www.metal-roofing-sheet.com/

The Eighth China Qingdao International Building and Decorative Materials Exposition opened in Qingdao International Convention and Exhibition Centre today. Zhang Xijun, deputy director of the City People's Congress, attended the event. The Expo brings together the building curtain wall, doors and windows, floor covering, stone, woodworking machinery and decorative materials, showcasing a variety of new building materials, technologies and concepts, the participation of more than 500 famous brands at home and abroad and building materials production enterprises and more than 2,000 compact buyers the exhibition, the exhibition will last until the 19th of this month.

edited by stone coated metal roofing tiles


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traditional stone coated metal roof steel material

The world's largest-ever, the fastest growing industrialized monster, ruthlessly foot crushed Australia's largest steel company, BlueScope (the BlueScope). The really surprising thing, that is, BlueScope actually been to hang on until now. However, the rise does not stop the Australian dollar exchange rate, and finally became overwhelmed by BlueScope's the last straw.
Monday at the media conference, announced the closure of two production plants, and the abolition of thousand workers BlueScope executive director the Ouma Li (Paul O'Malley) eyes moist, feelings of resentment of Chinese state-owned steel manufacturer to resort to unspeakable . Ouma Li said that Chinese state-owned steel enterprises in Australia less than the cost price of production "dumping product is not in doubt. While he said BlueScope "not aggressive in developing countries cunning trade trick a victim", but he still strongly urge the Australian government to protect local manufacturing.
He hoped that the states and the federal government to finalize a new agreement designed to improve productivity and reduce bureaucratic obstacles imposed on businesses. "We have day-to-day to compete with the steel prices to these cumulative cost" Ouma Li said, "the resources boom will end one day, that we can the rest of what? Therefore, we must at all to circumvent the economic loss. "
"The transformation of iron and steel has been manufactured products from developed countries has become the manufactured products of developing countries. I will never say that we are victims of what a. In developing countries, iron and steel manufacturing industry is regarded as one of the state-owned industries part in a place like China, the steel enterprises to obtain capital comparable to Australia more free. "
China's steel enterprises exist to make the BlueScope both sides of the pressure. China's steel manufacturing, coal, especially the voracious appetite of the iron ore BlueScope two key production input costs will soar; At the same time, a large number of relatively inexpensive Chinese steel yield, such as a flood drowned the world market, the steel price remains at very low levels. The phenomenon of soaring production costs, selling is not worth, the BlueScope called the spread of "steel (steel spread)" the relentlessly squeezed corporate profits.
As of June 30, BlueScope net loss of 1.054 billion yuan, the message a company's share price plummeted 5.7 percent, fell to the lowest level of unprecedented 74.5c.
China, of course, makes every one of the world's iron and steel manufacturers are facing cost pressures, even if the Australian dollar is not so high, BlueScope will find it difficult with China and other low-cost Asian steel mills competition. Not to mention Australian dollar is even more valuable than the dollar, BlueScope steel exports to sustain the inevitable result. BlueScope or substantial reduction of foreign exchange price of the product, either to reduce exports, in any case lead to the decisions announced on Monday.
Ouma Li admitted that BlueScope considered a fundamental restructuring of the company completely abandoned steel manufacturing business, in order to meet the reality of the Australian demand for steel fell. These measures may include complete shutdown of all BlueScope's manufacturing plant, and to seek joint ventures with foreign companies. But ultimately, the decision-makers have chosen only to exit the steel export sector, the cost is more than 1,000 workers laid-off.
Another Australian steel prices OneSteel is more clever, or lucky, on the development since the early years of "sideline" - iron ore exports. It is this sideline to make it catch the China Express, OneSteel's steel manufacturing operations in the same miserable squeezed flat.
    In less than a decade, China from producing the world less than 10% of the iron and steel (and the quality is not how good), to occupy the global steel market more than 40% (mostly steel). In fact, both China and what to produce, product sales and the place always caused by condemning, there are always people to pay the necessary price. STONE COATED STEEL ROOF


Europe and the United States metal building materials orders difficult for large-scale foreign trade enterprises

Foreign trade orders not only the amount is small, and required delivery time is short, but we can not give up easily. "Yesterday, FOSHAN NEW  SUNLIGHT STONE COATED AND STEEL ROOFING FACTORY foreign trade manager jenny told reporters, declining in the foreign trade situation foreign trade order generally narrowed. Small orders at the enterprises of scale is very difficult, then, not then nor is the contrary, small businesses, then a single is a single, but easy to operate. "
Some orders fell to less than $ 10,000
According to reports, foreign buyers face the current international economic environment is very cautious, even if negotiations with the manufacturer after the success, under the orders will not be great. Few days before we just received an African customer orders, only dozens of million yuan, but we have orders. "JENNY said small orders and small orders advantages, but the difference view. "If this small orders is consistent with our current production requirements, it is very easy to meet the requirements of both sides; If you need to change the mold, the purchase of new material reproduction, may be cautious."

Orders smaller, the customer required delivery time. "Since the 2008 financial crisis, foreign trade enterprises started to feel an unprecedented challenge. This order we have to pick, do not take to withdraw from this market. "
Small orders both on the corporate "good or bad"

Came mainly from two aspects, one is the enterprise's own needs, first, foreign economic downturn. "The reason for the order smaller, Liu Yali analysts believe that the current exchange rate and policy changes more, plus the cost of continued rise, in the case of a lack of bargaining power, short, single, single increase, to facilitate the enterprises to reduce risk.
Small single increase, the fundamental reason is the foreign consumer spending declined, preferring to spend energy, but also not to buy too many products at once. "Buyers HARISHGUPTA told reporters who came from India, India 70% of the light industrial products from China, many buyers will not time too much to buy from a company willing to multiple batches to purchase the products of different enterprises.
Small orders to enhance their capacity to respond
Reporter random survey Siu Lam, a number of hardware companies found that smaller orders, it also brings changes in the modes of production and management of funds. The mode of production of small orders of the enterprise, financial management have put forward higher requirements, after more than a year of single, short single exercise experience.
Bigger orders, had some experience of staff, materials, inventory, production processes, we must break these grafting short single. "NEW the SUNLIGHT STONE COATED ROOFING FACTORY, the greatest difficulty of small orders preparation aspects of advance preparation is not good to prepare, but to be temporary orders re-preparation, but also worried about the rush does not ship. Preparation aspects occupy a lot of resources in the enterprise, this business organization, production and coordination capacity of the higher requirements. "
Large orders are scale production, the basic preparation in advance, relatively simple, and delivery cycle to the production time of relatively abundant. However, the small increase in orders for the management of enterprise funds also put forward higher requirements. "Small single increase to bring a benefit in the management of funds is the flow of capital to accelerate, enterprises are not afraid of a shortage of funds, after all, small orders are quick production, quick-disbursing funds risk relative reduction of such enterprises."
Orders smaller, companies need more frequent contact with customers, will increase the cost of looking for buyers. "NEW SUNLIGHT STONE COATED METAL  ROOFING FACOTYR Senior Manager Hong Suijun, hardware and building materials in Europe and America needs is indeed a slight decrease, and now order trend is many times less bulk; market now transferred to Southeast Asia, the Middle East and other emerging markets. "This requires the timely adjustment of marketing strategy, regardless of new orders or new markets, should improve the ability to cope with the risk."


Stone Coated Steel ROOFING tile History

While stationed in Britain during WWII a New Zealand industrialist noticed how the corrugated iron hangers and military structures roofed in steel were holding up to the rigors of the British climate. The service life was prolonged by the bitumen coating over the steel.
He took the idea back to New Zealand and perfected it further by adding a layer of stone chips into the coating to create an even longer lasting surface protection. His next step was to create simulated tile shapes in the metal instead of the traditional corrugated sheets. From this basic concept thestone-coated steel roofing tiles of today were born.
Today’s stone-coated steel panels incorporate the same basic ingredients but with a high tech flavor. Over the years companies have perfected the coatings used and today’s stone-coated steel roofs incorporate state-of-the-art acrylic technology and have been tested in a part of the world that has one of the most severe UV climates. It is these advances in acrylic and chemistry technology that have enabled Metro to provide a limited appearance warranty on the surface coating stretching for over 20 years.
Since the early days of stone-coated steel roofing tiles, many shapes have evolved and now through Metro Roof Products you can chose a profile that best suits the architecture of your home. From the graceful curves of MetroTile to the earthy wood-tones of MetroShake, either of them adds up to a smart roof for smart people.


he first Chinese home building materials, Summer Fair opening ceremony
The fair brings together PPG master, the state legislature, Dulux, Rhine, TOTO, King, NEW SUNLIGHT STONE COATED STEEL ROOF nearly 10,000 from around the world of home building materials brand. As the main venue of Southwest China building materials, furniture, logistics, direct supply center, the fair - good fly international home building materials market in the Expo site, factory direct supply direct sales model, the market more than 5,000 species of hundreds of thousands of products are to save the cost of logistics, operations, on the basis of the full range of prices of the major categories of home building materials, exploration in the end, to help consumers maximize the realization of direct sales from factory direct supply.
It is understood that carry the exposition of the best fly international home building materials market by the the Chengdu Amplus Investment Co., Ltd. $ 20 billion and the government together create market is located the Xindu with Qingbaijiang 108 Road Interchange total planned area of ​​1024 acres, 477 acres, 547 acres of two, the business area of ​​800,000 square meters, the Chengdu Municipal Government, Qingbaijiang Government's key construction projects. Project functional planning for high-end building materials, brand home furnishings boutique, lighting and gardening, after the completion of the best fly international home building materials market will create a set of building materials wholesale, 5A-class commercial, international building materials trading center and commercial district in one professional, modern, open, integrated international home building materials synthesis.
Ceremony, the Chinese household Union on behalf of Li Bing, vice president of the Expo will be playing to cause a nationwide impact of building materials, home industry event, the Expo will also establish an industry brand business exchanges between the end consumers, experts, scholars, platform for cooperation, and through this platform to further promote the rapid development of Sichuan, the home building industry in the world.
The activities Undertaker Chengdu Jia Fei Investment Co., Ltd., general manager of Chen Jiafei as home building materials, professional market experienced operators, Chengdu Jia Fei investment company has been committed to promoting the development of home building materials industry in China. Business purpose, adhere to "serve the country and return to the community as a" win-win sharing "business philosophy, continue to promote the revitalization and development of the national home building industry. Home market as a good fly of the Chengdu Municipal Government and the Government of the Qingbaijiang key construction projects of international building materials, but also will multiply the Expo Dongfeng, by the exposition of this international professional home building materials platform to accelerate towards the professional market chain pace!
It is reported that the Expo has been extended to June 1.


2012 Iraq Building Materials Exhibition

 Published:2012-5-1 2:19:37    Source:    Views:1

2012 Iraq Building Materials Exhibition / stone / metal sanitary / Metal Materials / glass walls / doors and windows / aluminum / sheet / steel Post By :2012-4-10 11:46:58

Show Name: 2012 5th Iraqi construction building materials & Construction Machinery Exhibition
Show Time: September 17, 2012 - September 2012 20
Venue: Arbil, Iraq, International Exhibition Center
Organizers: IFP
Market Background:
After the end of the war in Iraq, the Middle East political and economic situation has undergone profound changes, and investors from around the world with strength for the reconstruction of Iraq, the introduction of 100 billion U.S. dollars, hundreds of reconstruction projects are to start in the reconstruction of Iraq is one of the world's largest reconstruction, and more and more investors recognize the investment potential of Iraq continues rapid growth. The construction of the market by investors further ignited hundreds of various fields more than 100 million yuan construction projects in progress.
Many years of instability and lack of investment, serious damage to Iraq's infrastructure. Iraq's previous El the Biller Erbi International Trade Fair held very successful, especially all types of construction equipment, construction machinery, STONE COATED METAL ROOF, construction steel, construction equipment, etc..
Wood, plastic and composite materials: rough carpentry, joinery, construction wood, plastic structure, plastic products, structural composites, composite components; concrete and surface processing: concrete forming and accessories, reinforced concrete, cast-in-place concrete, precast concrete panels and linings for casting of mass concrete, concrete cutting and drilling; gypsum and gypsum board, tiles, ceilings, paint and coatings, flooring, wall decoration, acoustic treatment;
Metal and Stone: framework of metal structures, metal truss, metal panel, cold-formed metal structures, metal products, decorative metal; marble, ceramic, masonry, stone: block, stone assembly, fire-resistant masonry, corrosion-resistant masonry, puzzle body manufacturing;
Insulation moisture: waterproof moisture, overheating protection, protective layer of high tilt roofing, roof and wall panels, the coating layer of the roof, flashings and metal Corrugated Sheet, STONE COATED STEEL ROOF, facilities and accessories of the roof and walls, fire and the smoke junction protection;
Related materials and accessories: opening the device, doors and door frames, special doors and door frames, entrance, storefront and curtain wall, windows, roof windows and skylights, hardware, glazing, shutters, and vents; lifts, elevators, escalators and electric walkways, cranes, scaffolding, other transportation equipment; base gravel pavers, outdoor landscape, wetlands, landscaping;
On-site infrastructure:
Earthworks: site clean up, earthmoving, earthwork methods, supporting and underpinning, excavation support and protection, load-bearing components of a special foundation, tunneling;
Transport system: rail / rail, traffic signal control equipment, transportation fare collection equipment, transportation, construction equipment, bridges;
Civil Mechanical facilities: water supply facilities, wells, sewage treatment, sanitation, drainage facilities, fuel distribution facilities, the liquid circulation steam facilities, power facilities, communication facilities and so on.
Related to the exhibition:
2012 five industries in the Middle East Expo (the 2011 Big5Show) United Arab Emirates Dubai 2012.11.5-2012.11.8
2012 Middle East Dubai Construction Machinery Exhibition (2011 Big5 pmv) Dubai, United Arab Emirates 2012.11.5-2012.11.8
2012 24th Saudi International Building, building materials and stone trade fair (Saudi Build & Saudi Stone) Saudi Arabia Riyadh 2012.11.11-2012.11.14
2012 8th Iraq El the Biller Erbi International Trade Fair in Erbil on October 15, 2012 - October 18, 2012
2012 Pakistan Building Materials Exposition (2012.09.16-2012.09.19)
2012 Saudi Arabia Jeddah big 5 five industry exhibition (2012.03.10-2012.03.03)
2012 Qatar International Construction Machinery Exhibition (Qatar HEAVYMAX) Doha, Qatar, 2012.04.30-2012.05.03
2012 Dubai wood and woodworking machinery exhibition (2012 Dubai, Wood Show) United Arab Emirates Dubai 2012.04.03-2012.04.05
2012 Egyptian International Building Materials & Stone Exhibition INTERBUILD EGYPT 2012 Cairo 2012.06.17-2012.06.21
2012 Lebanon heavy construction materials project Exhibition (2012 Project Lebanon) Beirut, Lebanon, 2012.05.31-2012.06.03

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Red villa 1858 villa construction of the real England temperament heritage

The English bourgeois revolution began in 1640 marked the history of the world into the modern stage. By the eighteenth century the Industrial Revolution first broke out in the UK, after the United Kingdom, United States, France, Germany and other countries have also started the Industrial Revolution. To the nineteenth century, the industrialization of these countries extends from light industry to heavy industry, and culminate at the end of the nineteenth century. Western countries thus entered an industrialized society.

It is in this background that William Morris created after the Industrial Revolution, "Red House." William Morris (William Morris ,1834-1896) British Pre-Raphaelite painters, arts and crafts artists. designers. In England, William Morris is a household name. For many British people, he may only be able to blurt out the designer.
Morris is the founder of the 19th century Arts and Crafts movement in England, graduated from Oxford University, graduated in the architectural work, but his main career in the arts and crafts design.
Morris, the layout of his new housing in 1858, because the market can not find the ideal accommodation and furniture. Wealthy family, he studied architecture was born. Then smoke yourself to the idea of ​​the design of housing and furniture. He asked his friend Philip Webb (Philip Webb ,1831-1915) to design their own housing. At first, Webb drew a symmetrical structure of the house drawing to see Morris. Morris, by the influence of Ruskin, and his own rebellious thoughts, he just changed it to the asymmetric structure. It is also this rebellious thinking, Weber wanted to give the gloss of the house wall, stopped in its tracks. Put the red walls exposed. This is the history of art is still the famous "Red House". The entire Red House no academic rules and prohibitions; from the back of the plan, the front of the building as a secondary consideration; the internal structure of the entire building is fully displayed, architecture and environment to achieve the perfect combination and unification.
The success of "Red House" is not only functional requirements primary consideration, part of the lessons the English Middle Ages, especially the details of the Gothic style to design residential, so get rid of the cumbersome Victorian architectural features, but also is Morris from the unified program design throughout the building interior, furniture and so on. Morris-yourself design a residential supplies, from wallpaper to carpets, from tableware to lamps, from furniture to indoor style uniform. With a strong Gothic characteristics. This architectural and interior products, lay the basis for a new style, which is in Britain after 1860 "Arts and Crafts movement style. Since then, the architectural style and architectural form of the "Red House" by the English nobility loved imitate the "Red House" to build their own homes, in order to show their nobility and unique taste. Today, the building of the "Red House" architectural style in the UK still which can be seen, shows the impact of Britain's architectural style. The same time, Morris "Red House" appears, it replaces the original complex without the actual role of Victorian architectural forms become the most representative of England architectural style.

Morris "Red House"
Red villa 1858 is the British "Red House" masterpieces of style in Panjin. As Panjin The high-end villa project, the red villa 1858 cleverly draws on the architectural merits of the "Red House" architectural beauty and the beauty of nature's ingenious combination. Details follow the tradition of hand-sense, everywhere strongly reflect the characteristics of England English details, large chimney, wall picture frames, handmade sense of red brick, pitched roof, durable and beautiful, even more valuable is the villa internal creative and practical space of about two meters space the attic ... about 180 square meters - 350 square meters wide hospital Larry, three homes, terraced villas, emphasis on the possession and enjoyment of the villa on the private courtyard.
First-class villa is not only skin-deep, and "Red House", the red villa 1858 to focus on building every detail. Culture Stone wall, roof tiles, doors and windows, paint details carved red villa 1858 not only the heritage of 153 years ago, "Red House" classic modern technology and materials to the classic 153 years for sublimation.
Hung Shu 1858 in a hundred years will become of Panjin even Chinese classical architecture.
Project part of the building materials
Morris "Red House" classic is carefully selected for each construction materials, the same red villa 1858 to create classic and an important part of building materials harsh.
Engraved classic to go beyond the classic 1858 red villa villa outside the walls instead of the old red brick with modern technology, culture stone. , Which reflects the appearance of the building at the same time play the role of science and technology.
Red villa 1858 culture stone procurement Shanghai the Australopithecus people Stone Co., Ltd.. The strength of many developers, senior projects commonly used by the Australopithecus people stone products, and Vanke, Poly, green, Dahua, Lake, Sea, first, Greentown, on real Merchants, Golden, complex to most large real estate "Australopithecus" partners. Australopithecus is a domestic cultural stone the first brand.
1993 in Dalian, Liaoning, China's first metal tile factory, NEW the SUNLIGHT STONE COATED  METAL ROOF Group to open up a metal tile market. "NEW SUNLIGHT STONE COATED  STEEL ROOF Group" brand concrete tile is the first domestic brand, a number of central enterprises, the first choice of the works of the quality of listed companies. With its wealth of roofing products and system solutions become the industry leader in roofing materials.


Home building materials into the era of exhibition marketing emphasis on brand communication effects

Events has become an important way of economic activity in the modern economy.
Events as the industry benchmark
In some geographic conditions superior economic system, and even become the main driving force of economic development. Events as an industry, its formation and development is an inevitable historical and economic processes, has gradually become the industry benchmark.
At present, the exhibition industry to become an important force for economic development around Guangzhou, the construction of the largest exhibition center in Asia, the China Convention and Exhibition Center Shanghai by schonborn success, vowing to ... after all these years of development, in the exhibition economy in full swing the tide of around the economic and cultural characteristics according to their own city, and gradually formed its own characteristics Exhibition and brand exhibition.
The building materials industry off the show effect. Show business collective appearance of the platform, exchange, trading center, exhibition economy is characterized by enlivening the economy and the prosperity to meet the different needs of the people. Precisely because of the vast potential and the unique charm of the show the economy in recent years, the exhibition prevailed in the various localities, setting off a show effect. The building materials industry is no exception.
With the rapid development of the building materials industry, the industry is growing prosperity around the set off the upsurge of home building materials exhibition. Domestic well-known home building materials brands, have fought around the exhibition, in order to open up new sales channels and a new model with the number of home building materials industry associations and enterprises bundled to form a strategic alliance to create the brand of the road, seek common development of innovative model to achieve business , consumers, the show win-win-win.
Re-brand effects do brand show
The exhibition of a professional research report pointed out that: a well-known brands can save a business, a brand of the exhibition, is also a strong impetus to the fundamental of the urban development of exhibition economy.
Convention and exhibition industry is now a consensus that is based around the economic and cultural characteristics to exhibitions organized by the brand exhibition is the only way to do prosperous MICE industry.
Exhibition economy "after effects"
Genuine development potential of the show often have characteristics, the new exhibition will also have a huge effect of the exhibition. Long As Weber? the new sunlight stone coated steel roof , the owner Mr.Ai said, "The show is like a mirror that can reflect the characteristics of an urban economic development and trends.
The home building industry is the consumer goods industry, attached to millions of households, real estate, furniture, building materials, home improvement, one built Fair, both to stimulate investment, but also to guide the consumer.
edited by china stone coated metal roofing system


The four values ​​of the steel structure housing

Since March 2011, the earthquake again and again. A worry and anxiety, steel residential "surface", has become the topic of social concern. In fact, the steel structure house is not new, as early as the 1960s, Europe, USA, Japan and other countries (regions) that began to promote, there are some instances in our country, but the present situation, the steel structure residential awareness is not high.
Japan earthquake, tsunami make the world a panic, Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture in the Yingjiang the earthquake affect people, the Myanmar earthquake followed. The earthquake disaster highlights the value of steel residential.
China Wenchuan, "5.12" earthquake "3.11" earthquake in Japan, a group of alarming data that lies ahead -
August 11, 2008, magnitude 8 earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichuan Province, has confirmed that tens of thousands of people were killed; June 18, 2011, Japan Richter 9 earthquake and tsunami dead and missing nearly 30,000 people. People will ask: China, Japan, the number of deaths caused by the earthquake Why such a disparity difference? Leaving aside the objective factors such as population density, the construction industry believe that the different residential structure is also the number of gap one of the factors casualties.
The data show that since 1900, the number of people died in the earthquake in China up to 550,000, accounting for 53% of the global earthquake death toll, which the housing structure and materials is an important factor in causing casualties.
Japan is earthquake-prone zone, therefore, the penetration rate of steel residential high school in public buildings seismic capacity of up to 10 ordinary residential buildings can withstand earthquakes above seven. Practice has proved that the Japanese steel construction and light building material has played a very important role in the mitigation of damage caused by the earthquake. Steel construction, light weight, excellent seismic capacity has been widely recognized around the world.
There is no doubt that the promotion of steel structure housing the asylum and respect for life.
Over the years, our residential construction field manual wet work, there is low productivity, long construction period, high energy consumption, serious pollution, is difficult to guarantee quality and performance, short life cycle and other issues. The data show that the number of construction waste in China accounted for the nearly forty percent of the total municipal solid waste. According to rough statistics of the loss on the construction materials of brick and concrete structure, reinforced concrete structure, the annual China's urban construction waste generated by up to 400 million tons.
Steel structure housing to reduce the environmental destruction of the traditional building materials of brick production, lime, cement and excavation of sand and gravel, construction waste, construction dust, noise is greatly reduced, easy alterations and demolition, materials recycling and re-utilization , many developed countries see it as an important way of reserves steel.
China's population and more livable land is limited and high urban population density. Therefore, housing must mainly to high-level, multi-high-rise which is the steel structure residential "high, large, light the unique advantages.
Reduce the water consumption of unit of industrial added value, reduce the per unit GDP energy consumption, reduce the per unit GDP carbon dioxide emissions, reduce the amount of arable land occupation, and to reduce emissions of major pollutants in the steel structure house with the "12th Five-Year Plan binding targets for five of the environment and resources is closely related.
More substantial energy-saving and environmental protection, and highlights the value of steel structure house.
Reducing the burden
The housing industry is a shortcut. The development of the housing industry depends on the extent and level of domestic industrialization of parts industry. In these respects, the steel structure house has been pre-empted.
As early as 2002, the Tianjin Construction Engineering Group to develop steel - concrete composite structure, Laiwu Steel, Ma On Shan steel plant, Benxi Steel and other domestic steel companies constantly develop new types of steel to provide strong support for the steel industry.
2009 by Hangxiao Steel independently designed, installed the first steel housing complex - the completion of the century home in Wuhan. "Building blocks" to build a house has become a reality.
December 7, 2010, the national housing industry base in Hangxiao Steel listed, which is granted by the Ministry of Housing and Urban national steel housing industry base, the steel structure of the housing industry has been referred to the important agenda.
China's steel production has been for many years ranked first in the world. After several years of development, the domestic steel residential industrialized technology is maturing, and laid a solid foundation for the housing industry. Steel structure housing the upstream and downstream linkage, will lead the iron and steel, machinery manufacturing, the industrial design,stone coated metal roofing tiles manufactury, material recovery, upgrading and development of a series of industrial chain.
Further highlights the value of steel residential.
Change the real estate industry, the low-end development, promote the transformation of labor-intensive industries to knowledge-and technology-intensive, to reduce excessive dependence on labor and resources, steel residential industrial upgrading.
The survey shows that a steel structure building, traditional reinforced concrete structure housing situ part of many, the need for manual operation of a large number of workers in the scene, steel residential realized the parts, industrialization, and can reduce labor 2/3.
The steel structure house will greatly liberating the productive forces to such a large downsizing will help the flow by the construction of migrant workers to other industries.
edited by stone coated steel roofing tiles


how to find their own housing problems
"Global China": or to talk about the reader care about the problem, I ask people how the roof?
Liang Ganghua: Customers are not professionals, only about one is to look at the chimney straight not straight, if not straight, indicating that there may be housing based. Depends on the roof level uneven, that horizontal line on the roof from the outside, if uneven foundation or structure.
"Global Chinese Press: the type of roof, in general, what kind of roof is better?
Liang Ganghua: Use the longest on the cement tiles, generally over several decades, the tile is the most durable, but at high cost. The stone coated  metal roof is durable, but not insulating, industrial, civil relatively small. Asphalt life as tiles, asphalt replacement costs are lower. There is also a timber roof, the drawback is the small raccoons have the opportunity to dig a hole to crawl into to do nest from the wooden roof. Generally speaking, in the case of the same material, the higher the slope of the roof, the longer the use of the roof. But depends on the design of the roof. Look to replace a roof, depends on the status of the roof material, but also from inside the house to see, to verify.
"Global Chinese Press": from the house to see how?
The Liang Ganghua: from the top of the triangle inside the house, the insulating layer to see. If the roof water seepage, you can see from the triangle top. From the top of the triangle can also see across the house warm cotton enough. Can also see the wire and safe to the above, the arrangement of the vent is not correct, find no traces of small animals.
"Global Chinese Press": If you look at the yard to see how?
Liang Ganghua: branches, and the house can not rely too close, too close to trim, otherwise it will affect roof life, the foundation will also be affected. So looking for an apartment, try not to look for a tree next to the house, so animals are also easy to jump to the roof along the branches. Lawn check does not include the automatic sprinkler system, and the sight of the ground does not include.
"Global Chinese Press": living room, pay attention to what issues?
Liang Ganghua: fireplace to check the fireplace, gas fireplace to check the drain does not leak, combustion of carbon monoxide release. If it is a wood fireplace to check the wall cracks, to prevent the leakage of carbon monoxide. If the electric fireplace is generally no problem.
"Global Chinese Press: The bedroom should pay attention to the problem?
Liang Ganghua: First of all depends on heating it enough, unsafe electrical safety performance of windows. In general, the plastic window is more environmentally friendly. If the room is inside the suite bath also check together.
"Global Chinese Press": what to pay attention to the kitchen?
Liang Ganghua: depends on vegetables basin leaks, look at the dishwasher there is no leakage. General obligations of household appliances to see whether it can use, but does not include the inspection items, because the life of electrical appliances is difficult to judge, it is difficult to predict, at any time may be damaged.
"Global Chinese": bathroom to pay attention to?
Liang Ganghua: To check that there are not enough exhaust. Government regulations bathroom or have a exhaust fan, or have the windows open. To check for leakage, leakage, general bathroom to be fitted with leak-proof electric power outlet. Also check all the faucets, the use of performance of the toilet, sink below the absence of seepage and mildew, and other, and so on.
"Global Chinese Press": basement to pay attention to what?
Liang Ganghua: depends on the wall there is no water seepage, foundation humidity not too high. If the wall has a watermark, there may be outside of the drainage system. Heating system and boiler in the basement to check the ventilation system to ensure that the basement fresh air flow. Also check the heating system and boiler working conditions, to see if the residual gas leaks, carbon monoxide. You can also check the wind warm compartment cotton or need replacement or need to do the cleaning and maintenance. Water heater life expectancy of 10-15 years, we will determine the life, how long it takes to replace.
"Global Chinese Press": external wall have to check it?
Liang Ganghua: Yes. In Canada, the external wall material is cement, wood, fire plastic three, bricks, stones are relatively small. Mainly to see that there is no normal wear and tear, normal cracks, in order to reduce the chance of water seepage. Cement walls of hair the size of the cracks do not need to worry too much about, because there are thermal expansion and contraction. Wood and cement walls do regular paint maintenance. To avoid gardening too close to the external walls, resulting in damage to the external walls. Gardening soil contact with the external walls of the material, only to the height of the base cement.
"Global Chinese Press": what to pay attention to?
Liang Ganghua: circuit inspection, first look at the master switch should switch panel is open to determine the installation of the inside of the line together substandard, the wire material is copper, there is no leakage protection switch. Inspection items balcony, garage. To check the garage door, switch security, an obstacle will automatically stop the decline. After completion of all projects to check, I will be the scene on the computer, print the home inspection report to facilitate the preservation and burn on the CD above. After completion of the report, I need to do on-site explanations to help them accurately understand the quality of housing conditions.
"Global China": the readers to understand these can be your own home inspection?
Liang Ganghua: If you will not need the housing inspection division to learn more than a year to do this work. These are just a rough, readers can about the situation to do a rough observation and found the problem immediately to find a professional home inspection division to see. Housing inspection division for a checkup just check in the broad sense, encountered a more prominent or more professional or looking for experts to do further checks. For example, a gas leak, to find a gas company to further examination. If foundation problems, looking for construction engineers to further determine. However, the housing inspection division of the range of services, our general detached charges is 400-600. If you find a professional heating company to check heating, about 200, to find the professional inspection company to do a roof 200, the above two projects on the 400, the housing inspection division of the checks, After looking at at least 10
edited by stone coated steel roofing tiles


2012 Macau-Guangzhou Famous Products Fair
On Jan. 13, the three-day opened to public free of charge at the Jinhan complex, attracting thousands of locals on the first day to taste Portuguese style egg tart and Pork Chop Burger and buy souvenirs.
Updated:2012-01-13 15:18Source:Lifeofguangzhou.com
On Jan. 13, the three-day opened to public free of charge at the Jinhan complex, attracting thousands of locals on the first day to taste Portuguese style egg tart and Pork Chop Burger and buy souvenirs.

The fair, organized by the Macau Trade and Investment Promotion Institute and the Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Guangzhou Municipality, encourages the SMEs from Macau to explore the mainland market. According to the official statistics, the fair covering 8,500 square meters have over 200 enterprises from Macau and Guangzhou. In addition to the purchasing zones, performing stage, gourmet zone and business zone are designed to satisfy different demands. Customers who have over 100 RMB will have a chance of lucky draw.

When: Jan. 13 11:00 - 19:00
Jan. 14 10:00-19:00
Jan. 15 10:00-18:00
Where: Guangzhou Jinhan Exhibition Center 锦汉展览中心
Free tickets available at the entrance, tickets are not provided within one hour of the closing
Website: http://www.mgfpf.com/


What are cocktail rings ?

 The best answer long-standing cocktail ring charm recent exhibition, with the rise of fashion in recent years, Oversize T-shirt and wave number of the bling bling, and even fashion brand fashion show can be seen in gorgeous character models wearing the big rings, whether worn on that finger, can say "big" have fun. To win the huge shiny cocktail ring, can be found in most jewelry brands, but the design is different, such as a cocktail ring with the same from the United States, Tiffany, not only all kinds of single colored inlaid stones, classic elegance of the ring, but also like Picasso's daughter Paloma (Paloma Picasso) hsiang design Sugar Stack rings fan and dish shape, color and style, full of artistic imagination. Multicolored known Pomellato cocktail ring is gorgeous, such as fireworks, colorful, such as candy, completely revealing the bold passion of Italian descent; Earl PIAGET limelight Party series, playing casino games, vinyl records and sequins, is a total release of a cocktail ring of joy; De Beers is simply a clear, direct introduction is called "Cocktail Fizz" ring, white gold and K series of round diamonds, square diamond design, sparkling like crystal bubble glass Li Zizi emerging . In addition to jewelry brands, Versace, Dior fashion show in the spring and summer also can see the shape of large rings used with the other fine jewelry in the LV, the introduction of a variety of classic monogram flower pattern to the theme of the ring, sleek, and the Dior Haute Jewelry designer Victoire de Castellane strong gorgeous romantic style works, but also consider the styled cocktail rings. 
edited by china  wholesale  costume jewelry wholesale  cocktail rings