
2012安哥拉建材展出口非洲国际建筑材料机械五金 详细说明
【英文名称】10th Constroi Angola -- International Fair of Public works, Architecture and Construction Equipment and Materials,stone coated roofing tiles【展出时间】2012年10月25日-28日
【主办单位】Arena Direct
Construction equipment & building material Machinery Construction and Building Material Earth-moving and construction equipment Building materials; glass, metal, stone, cement, timberBuilding material machinery and plants Chemical building products Vehicles for construction and trasport Domestic engineering and technical fittings Drills, pile drivers and pulling tools Safety, security and fire protection equipment Plants and machinery for the cement, lime, sand, clay, gravel and crushed stone industries Bathroom and sanitary installations,stone coated metal roofing tiles, Mixing plants and technology Ceramics for indoor applications Ceramics and glass equipment Windows, doors and interior decoration Lifting and conveying equipment Mounting and fixing systems Compressors, pneumatic and hydraulic tools Paints and surface treatments Machinery, plants and tools for quarrying and tooling natural rock Construction systems, tools and machinery Equipment for natural stone processing Integrated Facility ManagementAccessories and replacement parts Natural stone for facades, interior and exterior applicationsFomework and scaffolding
该展是安哥拉最大的建筑专业展览会之一,是进入非洲市场的门户。Constroi Angola 为国际建筑行业提供了引吸人的在成功的市场平台,为客户之间的相互联系提供了保障,并为建立长期的商务合作提供了机会,是南非最成长最大的市场之一。该展自2003年创办以来,每年举行一届,在该项行业中享有很高的信誉,并被专业观众所认可。
61%的展商确认在展会上达到了他们的预期目标 、 76%的展商打算继续参加2012年该展会、46%的展商在展商现场完成了交易、参展面积为15000平方米,包含3个展馆及室外展参展面积;观众人数为:13500人次;本地及国际展商为:372家、国家展团:德国、巴西、中国、西班牙、葡萄牙、土尔其等;
安哥拉商机--在接下来的几年内,安哥拉的投资金额预计在非洲国家中保持首位。自从内战结束,数以亿计的美元投入到重建工作中,包括增加大量的项目,特别是基础设施和房屋建设。 市政工程部发布信息:20亿美元投入到道路和桥梁建设,投资于国家与国家之间许多重要港口间的铁路体系的改善。住宅建设方面的投资额依然持高,并根据经济发展项目来进行投资,目标是到2012年完成100万新住房单元。
北京宏联中企商务会展公司操作安哥拉市场已有数届,操作经验丰富,Constroi Angola是进入安哥拉市场及开拓新市场的最佳选择!
edited by stone coated steel roofing tiles china

