
Manufactured Stone Veneer Merit Systems Protection
Manufactured Stone Veneer is very popular in landscaping and construction, for some great reasons. It costs less and looks great! See our complete overview of stone veneer types and definitions here.
Manufactured/Cultured/Cast Stone Veneer - This is the group of stone veneer products that have the appearance and feel of real stone, but they are actually man-made castings. They are made from concrete and stone aggregate slurrys that result in a lighter-weight, easier to install product.
See our complete overview of stone veneer types and definitions here.
The artificial culture stone villas and bungalows is mainly used for exterior walls, interior decoration with a small part.
Cultured stone installation considerations:
1.Cultured stone veneer is not suitable for large area indoor use, in general, the area of the wall to use unfit over their space wall 1/3. Cultural stone wall and should not be repeated in the bedroom.
2, Cultured stone veneer installed outdoors, try not to use sandstone stone because such stone easy seepage. Even if the surface water treatment, are also vulnerable to the sun and rain caused by the aging of the waterproof layer.
The indoor installation culture stone optional class near color or complementary color, but should not be used to the cold and warm contrasting color.
Artificial stone, has many advantages: the texture is light, easy to install; kind of color style, easy decorative wall; easy to transport, easy to store, and so on.
 Cultured stone veneer is not a title, it is a separate stone decorative effect processing and made a class decorative building materials. The culture stone attractive point is to maintain natural color and texture original style, plus color and deployment of changes to the meaning and artistry of the stone texture can show exhaustive. Respect for nature, meet the people return to natural cultural ideas, people collectively, this type of stone culture stone.


Building a home or office? Use the best exterior stone veneer in china!

For years we’ve been creating satisfied customers with the the best exterior stone veneer in china.  Whether you are designing your office building or your home you’ll find we’ll have a product that will enhance the appearance of your building with an exciting exterior stone veneer. In Canada there are many ways to create that natural stone look.  Real stone is readily available but it’s expensive and challenging to work with.
If you’re looking for an affordable, attractive product, we believe we make the best exterior stone veneer in china. Our customers tell us so!  Our unique process and stone products allow us to recreate the stonework that you see in many historic homes and churches.
We have our traditional stonemasons dress real stone and then we make a mould. Our process allows us to create a realistic looking product which features the natural tones and textures found in the landscape. This allows us to create an ideal, natural looking exterior stone veneer. In china, we have a shortened building season due to cold wintry weather. Our product allows for quick installation that keeps projects on time and under budget.
Our faux stone product is not to be confused with inferior stone imitations that will not enhance the appearance or value of your home. Respected builders use our stone product in luxury homes across the region. They tell us that we make the most affordable, easy to install and durable exterior stone veneer in china.
Exterior stone veneers in china must be durable as well as attractive. You’ll like our comprehensive guarantee that gives you every confidence that you’ll enjoy the appearance and durability of exterior stone veneer on your home or office for years to come.


Stone industry there are three major trends

It is still general consulting released "Stones 2013-2017 market research report shows: 10 years ago, the development of China's stone industry there is a certain blindness, lack of scientific master plan, resulting in a waste of resources, environmental pollution, ecological damage. Increasing emphasis now with the various areas of resource-saving and environmental protection issues, and to reduce the waste of resources, destruction of the ecological environment phenomenon. The future, as the sustained, steady development of China's economy, the development of China's stone industry will become increasingly large, the momentum gradually become stronger. The stone industry is increasingly focused on the green, the stone industry will usher in a more beautiful spring.
Of Veneer Stone Manufacturers and the Suppliers stone industry after years of development, gradually from serious pollution, low technical content, relying on hand-made development into low-carbon, mainly machinery production, industrial clusters as a fulcrum of modern industry. China's stone industry to achieve such a development the industry internal structural adjustment are inseparable. Stone industry presents a cluster development. In recent years, the number of domestic stone industry cluster growing, expanding, and more than 30 stone industry has a certain scale. The stone industry clusters led to the development of logistics and transport, machinery maintenance, construction and installation, and other related industries, which also led to the development of the regional field.
Still the general consulting building materials industry analyst pointed out: the future, there are three major trends in the stone industry.
First: A few years ago, the focus of the development of stone industry is the selection of the materials used, the key now is technology, some natural stone thinning process so opaque jade or striped marble, granite, quartz stone becomes translucent, so that translucent effect, bring new possibilities for use in interior design. The backlight lighting natural stone or become the next darling.
Second: With the deepening of the concept of green, green, high-quality alternative to have begun to appear. This will push the stone industry into a new round of development stage. The concept of green building is becoming more and more popular, in addition to the artificial stone, the stone industry can be some waste materials recycling, made of new materials, these can save resources, in addition to the development of new materials, can also be green elements of financial into the design concept. Future, artificial cultured stone veneer stone industry into the era of green creative.
Third: decoration industry will be an extension of the stone industry, stone has been more and more widely used in the kitchen and bath industry.


The imitation stone full cast glaze ceramic industry, the development of new trends2013-03-14 19:00:53 | Category: Default Category | Tags: | font size medium and small subscription

Tile decoration of home improvement main material, living room, kitchen, bathroom and balcony, tile essential. Ceramic stone, there are slip resistant, free from pollution, easy to clean, good acid degree, good weather resistance inherent excellent performance by the favor of the high-end building materials market at home and abroad.
The imitation stone full cast glaze into new trends in the ceramic industry

Tile decoration of home improvement main material, living room, kitchen, bathroom and balcony, tile essential. In 2012, Zhuzhou tile market trends have? Which products are popular with consumers do?
The imitation stone full cast glaze into new trends
Reporter visited found that the consumption of home decoration tiles, tiles, full polished glaze, porcelain tiles, artificial cultured stone veneer still dominate the mainstream. Imitation of natural stone polished glaze products is the new trend this year.
The marble grand atmosphere, low-key luxury basalt, beautiful crystal porcelain ...... Veneer Stone Manufacturers and Suppliers With advanced 3D inkjet technology, full polished glaze tiles not only avoid the defects of natural stone, also perfectly reproduce grain and texture of natural stone to create a natural stone like the Seven Wonders of rhyme.
"Combines polished tiles, glazed tiles advantages of full polished glaze tile brightness than polished tiles, glazed pattern is very rich, strong sense of color, the suit style diversification." Marco Polo tiles of Zhuzhou marketing center manager Zeng ultra-polished glaze The tiles will become light brick mainstream.
Imitation stone full polished glaze appears cater to consumer psychology. The one tile Zhuzhou Marketing Center director Ding Sue full polished glaze is smooth and bright appearance is consistent with the current people's fast-paced lifestyle. In today's rapid economic development, people do not have the time to enjoy a life of pleasure and leisure. Therefore, the appearance of smooth and bright, rich color texture polished glaze products, has become the new darling of the people.
Ceramic stone sells high-end market
Began to rise from the second half of last year, the strength of the manufacturers are doing ceramic stone. "Zhou Lijuan, the ceramic stone very popular part of the high-end customers welcome.
The so-called ceramic stone, 3mm-5mm layer of glass composite ceramic glass surface of the fossil, fully integrated high-tech products in the secondary sintering, the line known as the glass-ceramic composite sheet. Imitate texture of the surface of the seemingly natural growth in fact change different, bright colors, layering, decorative appearance very good results.
, Microcrystalline stone also slip resistant, free from pollution, easy to clean, good acid and alkali degree, good weather resistance inherent excellent performance by the favor of the high-end building materials market at home and abroad.
The Zhuzhou market, the price of ceramic stone from 400-1000 dollars. Zhou Lijuan estimated, as the technology is maturing, 2012, microcrystalline stone product price may be reduced.
Tile backdrop favored
A middle-aged man in carefully selected varieties, different styles of tile: "I want to pick a suitable restaurants backdrop."
"Now many customers like the tiled guest at the restaurant of artificial  artificial cultured stone veneer backdrop." Person in charge of the marketing center analysis Pan Hongqi Road, tiled walls, both to protect the wall, sound and engage in health can seem decoration more on the grade.
The tile pattern specifications diversification better meet the individual needs of the people. It is understood that the current tile has long plane tiles, in the traditional sense simple grid, flowers, pattern development to the three-dimensional tiles and three-dimensional pattern. The tiles now not only in the choice of design patterns pursuit of simple but elegant, engaging, size also to break the tradition of the uniform, plus any bold combination of floral tiles showing more changes. Zeng the ultra also believe that, compared with traditional wallpaper, diatom mud, personalized custom tile backdrop, not only to increase the wall three-dimensional, so that the space structured; more general decorations can not reach the artistic charm, grade The crowning touch of home.



展览地点: 中国进出口商品交易会琶洲展馆(广州阅江中路380号)
主办单位: 中国对外贸易中心(集团)、中国建筑装饰协会
承办单位: 广州博亚展览发展有限公司
预期规模: 展出面积:360,000平方米、参展商:2,300家、参观商:超过13万人
展品类别: 中国(广州)国际地面铺装材料展
◆各类墙地砖、Manufactured Stone Veneer,原辅材料及生产设备等;
建筑装饰五金展区:建筑五金、装饰五金、各类自动门、门控五金系统及配件、门禁 电子系统、五金配件、五金工具、五金磨具、五金铸造等;
石材展区:石料(花岗岩、大理石、板岩、砂岩、石英石、卵石、人造石文化石artificial cultured stone veneer等)、石雕及石制品、异型石材、石材生产设备、园艺文化石,石涂层金属瓦stone coated steel roofing tiles等;



2013-03-08 15:13:51|  分类: 默认分类 |  标签: |字号 订阅
轻钢结构住宅屋面系统是由屋架、结构OSB面板、防水层、轻型屋面瓦(彩石金属瓦stone coated steel roofing tile或沥青瓦)组成的。迈特建筑轻钢结构的屋面,外观可以有多种组合。材料也有多种。在保障了防水这一技术的前提下,外观有了许多的选择方案。


轻钢结构住宅的墙体主要由墙架柱、墙顶梁、墙底梁、墙体支撑、墙板和连接件组成。迈特建筑轻钢结构住宅一般将内横墙作为结构的承重墙,墙柱为C形轻钢构件,其壁厚根据所受的荷载而定,通常为0.84~2毫米,墙柱间距一般为400~600毫米, 迈特建筑轻钢结构住宅这种墙体结构布置方式,可有效承受并可靠传递竖向荷载,且布置方便,但迈特建筑轻钢结构住宅墙体结构不能承受水平荷载。


现在适用于建筑物和构筑物的外墙和屋顶的防水,降温,隔热及装饰涂层。 使用于各类油库,燃料库,粮库,化工贮存库等金属外壳(罐体)降温,耐腐及装饰层。

  适用于水泥砂浆抹面,各类聚合物砂浆抹面,混凝土抹面,砖墙,木板锌铁瓦或金属制品屋面,水泥石棉板材饰面,防水,降温,隔热。 适用于船体和甲板的降温及装饰涂层。

采光板按材料分为玻璃纤维增强聚脂采光板、聚碳脂制成的蜂窝状或实心板等,按形状可分为与屋面 板波形相同的玻璃纤维增强聚脂采光板(简称玻璃钢采光瓦)和其他平面或者曲面采光板。


另一种常用的是聚碳酸脂板,也就是通常说的PC板,是有机透光板材,与其他采光板比较,具有强度高、隔热好,透光率高、耐冲击、阻燃、耐老化、使用寿命长、弯曲性能好等特点。彩石金属瓦stone coated steel roofing tile

2013 solid wood furniture trends Preview environmentally friendly products are more popular 2013-03-08 15:20:28 | Category: Default Category | Tags: | font size medium and small subscription.
In recent years, the individual needs of people's home life is more and more obvious, the door to match the decor,artificial cultured stone veneer backdrop sofa DIY cabinets to be practical without losing quality ... and personalized experience customized all The problems have been solved. Flexibility because of its size, style diversification, custom furniture, more and more consumers. To the closet, custom closet more than finished wardrobe functions Sites of storage and more powerful.
For example, length Clothes bit pumping plaid trousers rack, full-length mirrors, tie racks, practicality and flexibility of custom closet more and more people's favorite. Future custom products will no longer be limited to the wardrobe, wardrobe accessories, and even entire home space products including sofas, beds, doors, etc. are toward customization.
Solid wood custom enduring
Thick and firm, fine texture, the advantages of health and environmental protection, durable, solid wood furniture favored. Many custom furniture brands have launched a custom solid wood furniture, such as Australia Viagra, solid top also introduced a solid wood custom series. With the momentum of the development of solid wood custom furniture, solid wood custom furniture can guess is bound to become more sophisticated and popularity.
More popular green sheet
Formaldehyde emission is an important indicator to measure the environmental protection at home. Buy furniture, we often hear Purchasing Guide that the environmental rating of the product reaches the GB E1, E0 introduction.
Typically, in international limited level of formaldehyde is classified as E2, E1, E0 three levels (E25.0mg / L,, E11.5mg / L E00.5mg / L,). With the improved quality of life, people concerned about green decoration, especially the elderly and children bedroom decoration. Therefore, we can predict that the selection of custom furniture green sheet will be more fiery.
Recently, the home improvement known websites conducted a survey of consumer willingness to renovation of of Nanjing 10 community owners. Questionnaire analysis of consumer choice of decoration companies, furniture, building materials, purchasing channels. The results show that nearly 90% of the respondents would have the construction quality home improvement company renovation, 40% of people will be referred to the purchase of furniture and building materials the overall decoration company to buy the all-inclusive, 80% of consumers are most worried about the quality of construction but off. This home improvement industry, nearly forty percent of consumers reflects the overall home improvement spending intentions, 2013 or the overall home wind blowing.
In the high-end enterprise finished decorative
The traditional decoration companies tend overall strength is not strong, but the price is high, but lower quality, simple, or services without too much design and planning, are often unable to plan completed the entire process of home improvement. Detachment of the decoration and furniture configuration, design and construction is completed, the owners to make another purchase of home building materials, or to accept the recommended purchasing the materials of the home improvement company, they need a second configuration design, this step-by-step home improvement mode is difficult to reflect decoration and household products the perfect combination. Consumer requirements of a higher level - the overall home improvement renovation experience.
Nanjing home improvement industry associations person in charge of the overall home improvement is the main line material, tone, style throughout the home improvement design, product design (kitchen, bathroom, interior doors, artificial cultured stone veneer, ground moderators and other materials), furniture design and all other design aspects, enabling products to construction, from design and development to construction, renovation whole home solution to a systemic product customization. Currently, low-end decoration company in Nanjing positioning only provides a fundamental part of the overall renovation; decoration company located in the high-end addition to the basis of the decoration, but also can provide a the finished decorative material part of the services. Furniture, accessories, and electrical parts , some professional and sophisticated design company to occupy. "
Furniture, accessories and parts in a large proportion of the overall decoration and fundamental part of the overall investment in only a small part, about 20% of the traditional decoration is gradually phased out gradually perfect decoration market.
The quality of the project become the competition focus
The industry believes that this year, building materials and home improvement market reshuffle years. Come early in this year's competition in the market, gold, three silver and four or consumer trends in the first half of the year show a node. From early March to see the brand building materials will be very intensive, is expected, with the second half of the new stores added competition, the rapid rise of chain stores, building materials retail formats change, blend, integrate, Nanjing home improvement market will gradually affect brand strategy, channel strategy, marketing strategy, service strategy even higher level.
How to get more consumers to enjoy the the most reserve price of the brand home improvement and first-class service, In addition to spell design, service and major home improvement company in the quality of the project rivalry, using a variety of methods to improve quality. The reporter found that some companies have been in the last year to send people to around the learning experience in the construction and advanced methods, some companies promise the completion of the construction site for 5-10 years tracking maintenance ...... Tang Jie, chairman of Jinhua decorative only well the quality of the project in order to win customers' word-of-mouth, the company in order to gain a firm foothold.
"In the case of a highly competitive market, the home improvement company should be the centerpiece of the renovation project quality well, the only way to explore the market." Strong the decorated general manager Geng Liming similar views. "Water, electricity, carpentry, paint, gray, cement works, will be strictly performed in accordance with the company's standards."
Custom furniture increasingly favored
Become increasingly popular with the public pursuit of improving the quality of life, overall home improvement, furniture tailored for consumers increasingly popular.
Furniture companies "in the traditional marketing model, often based on simple market survey, following today's home improvement trend of R & D and production of furniture, but the furniture is not the size of this model produced does not meet the requirements, that style can not meet personal preferences. Customized marketing market segmentation to the individual, according to personal preference certain requirements, such as colors, personalized specifications. Nanjing Furniture Industry Association, said Xu Changning, consumers should become one of the designers of furniture.
Other insiders also said that the analysis of demand from the consumer to the next single, organization of production, distribution, door installation, and service in all aspects of a chain, and product customization process involved board components, many hardware not There are trace deviation. This is furniture enterprise management system must be rigorous, should also strengthen the pre-planning with the designer of the home improvement company, which also is the test of a home business management processes and employees service force.


Unlike other manufactured stone, our products are colored throughout, allowing them to weather like natural stone and to be cut like natural stone. Each of our “Mother” stones have been carefully selected then expertly handcrafted by highly skilled stone masons.
The founders and creators have been involved in stone masonry for more than 50 years combined experience. They are educated in every aspect of the art of stone.

Creativity, quality, and innovation are of the utmost importance to our company. Inspiration for each style of stone we offer comes from the knowledge and experience that is a result of many years involved in the masonry industry.
Realistically Crafted CHINA Manufactured Stone Veneer for Homes
Our stunningly designed stone veneer for homes offers property owners an eye-catching alternative
Part of the challenge of a construction or renovation project is deciding what type of decorative elements to add to your property. RG Veneer Stone Manufacturers and Suppliers offers a fresh choice for the interior or exterior of any home or business, with realistically crafted stone veneer for homes that comes in an assortment of shapes, sizes and colours and is perfect for any aspect of your structure. Enjoy the benefits of the stone’s natural counterpart for an affordable price and a hassle-free setup!
RG Veneer Stone Manufacturers and Suppliers for homes is constructed from a lightweight, precision-cut material that makes it a snap to install. It can be merged with brick and is able to easily replace stucco and wood, giving you a wide range of options for where to put it, whether it’s down in the basement or up on the chimney. Little to no maintenance is required with our stone veneer for homes, and you’ll enjoy dependable durability that promises a long-lasting product.
We like to offer our customers a homemade touch, and pride ourselves on the fact that StoneRox stone veneer for homes is both made in and modeled after Canada. Various landscapes, mainly those in the Maritime Provinces, play a large role in inspiring the design of our products, all of which are dressed by a professional mason. We’re always accumulating new samples from coast to coast, giving you a practically infinite selection of beautiful stone veneer for homes to choose from.
All RG Manufactured Stone Veneer come with a Quality Assurance Guarantee. This pledges that:

Products will maintain strength, integrity and resilience over time
Products will keep your property safe from the cold, harsh winters of Canada
Products will retain their texture
Products are manufactured to industry standards and meet Canadian Specification Guidelines
If there appear to be defects in the design of your stone veneer, we guarantee a free replacement with no questions asked.


    近几年来,文化石artificial cultured stone veneer平均每年的用量增长率均大于9%,而且文化石用量逐年递增的势头不减。我国的文化石用量一直位居世界前列,前几年的在建工程也不少,目前的经济危机除了给我国文化石出口造成一定的冲击外,并没有对整个文化石行业产生太大的影响。
    目前Veneer Stone Manufacturers and Suppliers已将全国三四级农村市场开发列为今年的重点工作;文化石下乡的建议体现了政府对文化石行业扶持的初衷,但和文化石产业的转型升级结合起来更好。对于一批勇于产品创新的文化石企业,国家实际的支持力度还不够,拥有同样的技术和设备,国内创新企业的产品却难以受到政府工程和本地优先采购的"青睐"。
    文化石artificial cultured stone veneer产品属"半成品",往往需要设计、施工、装修等配套环节的支撑。陈环指出,"家电产品拿回去就可以用,文化石还需要相应的配套服务才能被贴上去。"由于农村市场相应的配套服务缺失,在实际的操作层面上,文化石下乡要解决配套服务的问题。此外,农村市场的消费层次不同,什么样的价位和质量才适合下乡,很难确定一定的标准。