
RG Outdoor & indoor Stone Veneer

Recreating old spaces into new oases is kind of our thing. One space that often gets overlooked is your own backyard. With RG Outdoor & indoor Stone Veneer, you can easily create kitchens, fireplaces, firepits, and seating areas that will transform your bland backyard into a truly inviting space!



Create a mood in the bathroom with stone veneers.

Using stone veneer in the bathroom.

A bathroom is an important area of the household and has always reflected the elements of neatness, cleanliness and freshness. Thus, the look and feel of the bathroom has always been concerned with emanating the idea of a clean space. The look of a bathroom is dictated by the function of the space itself. What better way to add a touch of contemporary flavour then by adding some stone veneer to the mix.
Bathrooms have been traditionally fitted with ceramic and stone tiles. Polished down to give a shimmery look and water repellent texture. Stone veneer provides the same look and feel with the added benefit of an easy installation process. The beauty of using stone veneer is that one need not even resort to substitution. The  Stone veneer on the walls will compliment the tiles on the floor. All you have to do is make a wise decision on which stone veneers will match best with the floor tiles. Here is a quick guide to get you started:
Canyon Ledge- Stone Bathroom
Canyon Ledge- Stone Bathroom
Bathrooms usually work best when using a very mellow toned down colour palette. Hazy grey, sandy brown, soft aqua blue, cream or off white are popular choices. The idea is to create a clean and relaxing energy within the space, and this is achieved with mellow colours. Very rarely do we have bathrooms coloured sunburst orange or lime green…..but the possibility is there if you have the imagination!
Stone Selex- Castle Stone bathroom
The best way to see what stone veneer will work best for your bathroom is to assess the textures and colours already in place. Figure out what stone works best with the metal and colour hues within the bathroom and match them up accordingly. The Quick Fit Line work really well for this type of project. They’re easy to install and come in a variety of colours. Dark Ember of Slate Grey are hues that would work best with…you guessed it, a grey colour palette. Utah brown mixes in seamlessly with a sandy toned wall and bathroom tiles.


About RG Manufactured Stone Veneer

RG Manufactured Stone Veneer matches the warmth, beauty, and prestige of natural stone. Yet it is less expensive, easier and faster to install. Veneerstone is up to 75 percent lighter than natural stone therefore no special engineering is required such as footers. Versatile Veneerstone can be installed over brick, concrete, block, sheet metal, or wood. RG Manufactured Stone Veneer is ideal for most any remodeling job or new construction.
RG Manufactured Stone Veneer is backed by a 75 year limited warranty, the longest in the industry.
We guarantee that you get what you want when you want it…a guarantee that is made possible by our large inventory of top quality products and growing nationwide distribution network. We ship throughout the United States and can help you find a distributor near you.
Our goal is to provide you with the best quality, most unique, and authentic manufactured stone currently available for residential and commercial use. We have provided quality Manufactured Stone Veneer products for simple fireplace remodeling projects to commercial projects of 1,000,000 square feet.
RG Manufactured Stone Veneer is an industry leader in developing manufactured stone that perfectly matches the appearance, color, and warmth of natural stone while significantly reducing the cost. To ensure the authenticity of Veneerstone, we select the most popular styles of natural stone and replicate them by creating a mold of the stone’s surface. They are then filled with a lightweight aggregates, concrete, additives, and color pigments. The resulting stones perfectly replicate natural stone.
Your choices are limited only by your imagination. You can select from a wide variety of stone types, colors, and accessories.Make RG Manufactured Stone Veneer your choice today.


1, and resolutely eliminate backward technology, equipment and products, develop high-quality building materials.Cultured Stone VeneerDepartment in charge of the industry should be based "on the issuance of (the building materials industry overall control, structural adjustment" Several Opinions) notice "(Guo Jing Mao Industry [1998] No. 572) and the elimination of backward production capacity, technology and products catalog (National Decree No. 6 of the Economic and Trade Commission, Order No. 16) with the relevant requirements, and increase efforts to eliminate backward technology, equipment and products, and in accordance with the requirements of local economic development and protection of the ecological environment, according to local conditions to develop and publish eliminated, prohibit, restrict the production and use behind the building materials directory, not yet a total ban on production and use of outdated products, but also to propose measures to restrict the production, use and phase-out in phases, especially in the urban housing construction, to progressively restrict the use of solid clay bricks change the traditional building materials production and construction concepts, accelerate the pace of technological progress and structural adjustment.Basis for the development of new building materials and products oriented catalog, encourage, support and guide the building materials companies to develop high added value of technical cooperation, the market potential of high-quality new building materials, and gradually increase the proportion of new building materials in the building materials industry. Support and encourage enterprises to adopt advanced production technology and equipment to transform.2, according to local conditions, develop policies to develop new building materials, to determine new building materials leading products, production scale, supporting technology development.The production and application of new building materials has significant social benefits, localities should be based on the needs of the development of new building materials, enact, enact local policies to support full use of various information media campaigns to introduce the features and prospects for the development of new building materials, enhance social awareness of the importance of the development of new building materials, and to change the traditional building materials production and building applications habits and ideas.The leading products of the new building materials is mature technology, market potential, compliance with building codes and construction industry development direction, they can bring the product development of new building materials products. All localities should be read in conjunction with local realities around the development needs of the construction industry, according to local conditions to determine the area of ​​new building materials leading products. Currently, the focus is on the development of new building materials, new wall materials, wall materials to make solid clay brick as the main gradually transformed into mainly to the light sheet, hollow block, non-sticky seven bricks of new wall materials efforts to form a development system of research, design, education, production, construction, sales, combined, correctly guide the funds to invest in, the rational allocation of resources.3, positive development, development of new building materials production technology and equipment.Based on the digestion and absorption of foreign advanced technology and equipment, the organization of research institutes and production enterprises to conduct technical research and technological innovation, research and development of new technology for China's national conditions, new technology and new equipment. The introduction of new building materials technology and equipment to "15" at the end to the basic realization of localization, and guide enterprises to actively domestic digestion and absorption of new building materials production of complete sets of technology and equipment.The content is selected from the group consisting of industry research reports released "2012-2016 China new building materials market operators situation and development strategy consultation report"4, to strengthen the close collaboration between the department, and strengthen the popularization and application of new building materials.Strengthened the collaboration, especially building materials, construction authorities as soon as possible to meet the standards of new building materials incorporated into the design, construction specifications, and effectively solve the problem of scientific research, production, architectural design, construction and other aspects of disjointed.The Building Materials authorities to guide and organize the new building materials production enterprises to actively cooperate with the building design, construction units to do the design and construction specifications, procedures and construction General Atlas preparation, the revision, promulgation of new building materials in a timely manner to promote new products catalog. New building materials new construction projects in the project should seriously seek the views of the design and construction units, to reach a consensus in order to facilitate the promotion and application of the product.The development of new building materials and more responsive to the process of development in the construction industry.5, support the development of large enterprises, to achieve large-scale operation.To adhere to principle of the Fuyoufuqiang, strength, potential new building materials enterprises as the focus of support, give the necessary support in terms of investment, financing, asset restructuring, so as soon as possible grow into a larger production scale and strong supporting the ability of the advantages of leading enterprises, driven by a number of new enterprise development to build the village at the same time, guide those market competitiveness of traditional enterprises are turning to new building materials to build the village.New building materials industry has identified 20 pilot cities in the "Tenth Five-Year" period should be the basic realization of industrialization, supporting and scale. To seize the opportunities of the country to implement a proactive fiscal policy to increase investment in new building materials technological upgrading of enterprises, and promote the number on the scale, on the level of technological transformation projects, while strengthening internal management, improve and enhance the economic benefits of the new building materials The advantage really get fully reflected.6, and guide the diversified investment, encourage social capital and foreign businessmen to invest in new building materials industry.Policy formulation and dissemination of information to guide funds to invest in high technical level, the product market, the expected benefits of good new building materials, and encourage social capital and foreign investment in the field of new building materials. Real estate developers and large construction enterprises are encouraged to develop new wall materials. Encourage enterprises through reorganization, restructuring, revitalize the stock of assets, funds from society, and the development of new building materials. At the same time to seriously implement the Ministry of Finance on the strengthening of the new wall materials special fund management issues related to notice "(Cai Zong Zi [1999] No. 96) the spirit of seriously good job, make good use of the funds, give full play to its development the role of the new wall materials.Improve the standard formulation of new building materials, standardize the production and circulation of new building materials.Cultured Stone VeneerImprove the standard formulation and revision of new building materials, and regulate the production of enterprises in accordance with the relevant standards. Has significantly lagged behind the requirements of product standards must promptly be repealed or amended; no product standards to speed up development and improve product standards, and gradually achieve the standards with international standards. Regulate the flow of new building materials market, support and encourage the implementation of new building materials market access system and part of the product warranty period system, survival of the fittest, to create a favorable competitive environment for the development of high-quality new building materials.


The high temperature glass the perspective window glass in a certain temperature and pressure conditions, with stable high transparency, heat resistance, high compressive strength, good chemical resistance.High temperature glass soda-lime-borosilicate glass, alkali-aluminosilicate glass, three series of high-purity silica glass ", a number of varieties. Advanced cold technology,Cultured Stone Veneer to ensure the the various endoscopic inherent quality and dimensional accuracy; non-directional "quench temperature field application, the small size of the" edges "of the sight glass to ensure that the sodium calcium, aluminum-silicon Endoscopic and borosilicate glass of high strength. Compared with similar products at home and abroad, has the quality, performance advantage.
Classified by raw materialsHigh temperature glass raw materials, can be divided into heat: 350 degrees, 500 degrees, 000 degrees, 1500 degrees four series.1 material temperature glass:Maximum temperature: 350 ° C hot and cold fusion temperature difference: 200 ° C transparency: ≥ 90%Glass thickness :2-50mmSpecifications: on-demand production, with round, square piece, shaped tablets.2, material temperature glass:Maximum temperature: 500 ° C hot and cold fusion temperature difference: 300 ° C transparency: ≥ 92%Glass thickness :2-20mmSpecifications: on-demand production, with round, square piece, shaped tablets.3 material high temperature glass:A maximum temperature of 800-1000 ° C hot and cold fusion temperature difference: the 700 ℃ transparency: ≥ 90%Glass thickness: 3, 4, 5 mmSpecifications: Maximum capacity 1960 * 1100mm, with round, square piece, shaped tablets.4 material temperature glass:Maximum temperature: 1500 ° C hot and cold fusion temperature difference: the 1200 ℃ transparency: ≥ 92%Glass thickness :2-50mmSpecifications: on-demand production, can produce 700 * 1500mm, with round, square piece, shaped tablets.Stone, the previous period and radioactive radiation "is often linked, so that many people who would like to use stone because radioactive stone discouraged, the stone is on pins and needles, readers often called to ask where can detect the radioactive stone? If the home is paved stone the how to do? anxious the meaning of loneliness. The radioactive stone in the end is how one thing can rest assured that the home, the reporter visited the associate professor of China University of Geosciences (Beijing) Department of Applied Geophysics Sheng-Li Hou.■ any decorative materials have natural radioactivity, only more than the standard only hazardsHou said: the nature any substance containing naturally occurring radioactive elements, but the content of radioactive elements in the different substances. The environment around us in the soil, water and even the air has a radioactive element, stone building and furnishing materials, such as cement, steel, tiles, whole body tiles and stone contain radioactive elements. Take the whole body tiles, baked clay addition of other materials, the clay is formed by the weathering of rocks, clay and stone are the same as the formation of natural radioactive elements in the clay is relatively high, that brick firing by the whole body The content of radioactive elements will be correspondingly high, so that only the stone to be radioactive material does not contain radioactive view is incorrect. The Ministry of Health also released as early as "building health protection standards, restrictions on the activity of natural radioactive elements in building materials, to ensure safe use.■ 80% of the stone can be assured for indoor use, very low levels of radioactive stone can shield the radiation of other materialsWhen a reporter asked what kind of stone suitable for use at home, how to choose, Hou said: As early as 1993, the National Building Materials Bureau issued a "natural stone products Radiological Protection control standards, the radioactive level of natural stone the classification, natural stone is divided into A, B, C three categories of products, a class A product can be used in any occasion, a class B product can be used in addition to the room outside the interior surface of the internal and external finishes of all buildings and industrial facilities C class standard stone only can be used as external finishes of the building. Test and analysis results from nearly 200 samples, 80% of the stone samples belong to the class A stone can be used on any occasion. Which part of the stone radioactive content is very low, lower even than the concrete floor, brick radioactive content, using this stone, you can play in the indoor shielding effect, reduce the indoor radiation has a role in environmental protection.Some people due to lack of knowledge of the radioactive form a one-sided understanding, such as some people think that a light-colored stone radioactive than dark stone, in fact, this is not absolute levels of radioactivity are not many dark stone (such as red) higher than the Class A required standards, lower than some light-colored stone, which can be proved in the tests we did.■ How to detect indoor radioactive poisoning.How to detect the interior materials are not exceeded concern of many people. According to Hou, the conventional test methods is room Neijia Ma spectroscopy analysis and radiochemical analysis To test the sample ground and sealed sample analysis cycle in about 20 days, long life cycle analysis costs are relatively high. In view of this situation, in support of the national the stone quality monitoring center, China University of Geosciences (Beijing) Department of Applied Geophysics, China Stone Material Industry Association cooperation in the development of the first stone radioactive detector and its associated methods of measurement technology and by the experts of the National Building Materials Bureau, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision issued the certificate. Cultured Stone Veneer Geophysical Department of Geology University, the reporters saw this instrument, equipped with a probe of the instrument like a flashlight, packed a small display tester, this portable instrument can be brought to the scene for testing, do not need to destroy the finished product can be directly on the finished product testing, test range up to 50 × 50 cm, and the short detection time, it normally takes about 10 minutes measured. Finally, Hou said that the home environment as a whole, as long as the radioactive indicators in this environment is up to standard, not harmful to human impact, not because of fear of a certain radioactive materials exceeded blind removal, the unnecessary waste and trouble.
Perfect marriage of Stone Veneer and Stucco Finish.

Perfect marriage of Stone Veneer and Stucco Finish.

Using Stone Veneers with Exterior Stucco.

Natural Stone Veneer & Stucco
Stone veneer and stucco go together like bread and butter. They both compliment each other and help balance out the exterior texture of a home. In terms of design the stucco acts as the base that holds things steady. While the stone veneer acts as the perfect accent. Combining the two is really effective when done properly.
The best way to create a balance between the two is to focus on the hues of the stone veneer and match that with the exterior colour. Stucco comes in a variety of muted colours, usually peach, mild orange, milky grey, and cream. As mentioned this will act as the base to the stone veneer accent colours. The stone veneer helps add a dash of flavour with colour, shape and texture. Experiment with balancing the accent with the base colours and see what suites your taste. It is also sometimes helpful to take a photo of your home and use it like a colour swatch when deciding on the right type of complimentary stone.
Stone Veneer on Chimney with Exterior Stucco Stone Veneer on Chimney with Exterior Stucco
One of the best stone veneer for pairing up with stucco is the Canyon Ledge line. It is truly the jack of all trades in that each colour selection corresponds nicely to a popular stucco hue. For a mild orange stucco choose the Sandy Buff or Sienna hue. And for a milky grey or coffee coloured stucco choose Midnight Slate, Mountain or Santa Fe.
Take a look at our vast selection of stone veneers on our online catalog. Or better yet visit our showroom in Mississauga and ask one of our experienced sales staff about how to properly combine stucco and stone veneer.


Exterior Stone Veneer

              Outdoor Stone Fireplace, cultured exterior stone siding  

Want your home to measure up to the elegant real estate in your neighborhood, and add value at the same time? You can easily and cost-effectively utilize exterior stone veneer to add texture and depth to exterior walls, and walkways.
Here are a few ways to extend the life of your outdoor environment:
  • Cover drab looking stucco with beautifully-colored veneer stone.
  • Use exterior stone to make your house the nicest on the block.
  • Add a custom-built outdoor stone fireplace, fire pit, BBQ or entertainment center.
  • Take an existing stucco fireplace, BBQ or fire pit and beautify it with stone veneer.
  • Transform your yard from ordinary to extraordinary with exterior stone veneer.
Not sure exactly what you want to do with your outdoor space? Our team of friendly, reliable consultants can recommend the most suitable exterior stone options to complement your home and also help you choose a space that will maximize the impact of your exterior stone veneer.

Proper outdoor fireplace & exterior stone Installation is Critical

There are many elements to consider when installing exterior stone veneer. For example, when applying stone to a painted exterior surface, you must use an acrylic bonder to ensure proper adhesion. Without this, your exterior stone could loosen over time and fall off.
Let our team of experienced, friendly professionals install your stone properly the first time so you can enjoy it worry-free for years to come.

Ten new glass unique performance analysis

Today, a variety of new glass market to attract people's attention, such as playing broken glass, nails glass, non-reflective glass, security glass, soundproof glass, air conditioning,Cultured Stone Veneer glass and other contests, let's take a look at these new glass The unique properties.

An unbreakable glassA British aircraft manufacturing company invented a method for aircraft unbreakable glass, it is a folder with debris glued into a transparent plastic film layers of glass. The polyurethane-based plastic film viscous semi-liquid consistency, when someone tries to break it, hit polyurethane film will slowly gather together and restore their own unique integrity. This glass can be used in cars, to prevent car theft.

Ten new glass unique performance analysis2 nails glassMitsubishi Electronic Instrumentation Laboratory successful development of this glass, borate glass powder and carbon fiber mixed, heated to 1000 degrees Celsius made. It is the use of cemented carbide strengthening glass, maximum breaking stress of more than 2 times that of general glass, of no brittle vulnerability staple and mounted wood screws, do not have to worry about broken.3 non-reflective glassDeveloped by the German SCHOTT glass non-reflective glass, light reflection is only less than 1% (8%) ordinary glass, so as to solve the reflective glass and dizzying headache.4 anti-theft glassA Hungarian Institute developed a multilayer structure of such glass, fitted with extra-fine metal wires each layer of the intermediate case thieves crushed glass, with the metal wire is connected to the alarm system will immediately send an alarm signal.5 soundproof glassA Japanese company imported technology from Germany, to create a new type of soundproof glass. This glass is a soft resin with a thickness of 5 mm of the two layers of glass laminated together, will almost portion noise absorbing exhausted, particularly to Good studio and studio use. Its price is equivalent to five times that of ordinary glass.6 air-conditioned glassThis is a double glass processing manufacturing, Heating can be sent to the glass sandwich, distributed through vents into the room, instead of the radiator. This not only saves energy, but also convenient, noise and dust, can also be changed to send the air conditioning in the summer.(7) vacuum glassDevelopment of such a vacuum glass capsule plate glass, has a 0.2-mm interval of 1/100 atm vacuum layer between two sheets of a thickness of 3 mm glass, the inner layer there is a small metal cylinder support to prevent the external atmospheric pressure so that the two pieces of glass paste together. This vacuum glass thickness of only 6.2 mm, can be mounted directly on the window frame. It has good heat insulation effect, applicable to the windows of homes and high-rise buildings.8 smart glassThis glass transparency developed by the United States can change as the viewing angle changes, it has a special polymer film, astigmatism, thickness, area, and forms can be freedom of choice by the manufacturer, which allows you to play a protective and the shielding effect.9 holographic glassBoston research team developed a holographic diffraction glass, Cultured Stone Veneer certain colors of light can be concentrated to the selected orientation. Glass windows with natural light can be broken down into spectral combination of color and light shooting at the ceiling and then reflected to every corner of the room, even a room without windows, but also through the ventilation pipe from the reflective wall "" Sunshine, and then perforations diffuses light to the ceiling.

10 thermostat glassBritish company successfully developed is called cloud plastic the thermochromic thermostat glass, it is a both sides of the plastic film and sandwiched between the polymer color solvent synthetic glass. It was transparent in the cold environment, absorb the sun's heat, until the ambient temperature rises and becomes opaque white clouds color, and block the sun's heat, in order to effectively play the role of regulating the indoor temperature.

Common problems the steel structure design

First, if there is gutter tied can not design a site close to the top of the column, otherwise may cause can not install downspouts. Another the gutter fell into the water tube and Tied column supporting the position must consider, otherwise either met Tied to or run into the column and brace. stone coated steel roofing tileSecond, the layout of the baskets bolt position on the horizontal support must be reasonable, not too far from the main beam, should be considered to facilitate the installation of the main. Otherwise, workers must be in the installation and leaned over to bolt tightening baskets or use a ladder up, either to climb purlin purlin installation after the end of tightening baskets bolts so very insecure. We would also consider knee bracing layout position, do not fight in the layout of the level of support and knee bracing.Third, do not be one-sided to consider the tension side, compression side "factors such as hit bottom margins ranging from eyelet, because the installation is very easy to install anti results detriment purlin brace holes.Fourth, doors and windows, wrap angle board can not be generalized, because you can not guarantee that the plate is located in the peaks or troughs of the pressure plate construction.Do large projects, deepening Plan No. must take into account the production, delivery, installation convenience."Load data provided by Party must understand its real meaning, because the Party often do not understand too professional stuff. We want to achieve empathy, the preliminary work done, like to carry out the follow-up more.7, the position of the high-strength bolts should be reasonable to consider the construction is broken, and torque wrench space, do not install, because the space is too small, broken, and torque wrench can not be in place, resulting in a high-strength bolts Plum head can not wring or high-strength bolts can not be tightened. Have come across some design and not give the position of the sleeve., High-strength bolts connecting plate if possible, try to use the up and down symmetry bolt arrangement. Once in contact 4 above, the following six shop workers take pretend not to accidentally engage in anti-Sorry to at the scene.IX light steel structure maintenance brick wall, we must advance the construction unit and the civil contractor butt good, as it relates to two aspects of civil engineering and steel structures, civil engineering brick wall is likely to engage in is not straight, the color steel pan of water can not be done suddenly big suddenly small, the result is color steel and brick walls the gap suddenly big and small, and difficult to do a good job when the color plate with the brick wall of the Pan-water treatment, construction units have heart preparation.10, anchor bolts are generally civil engineering unit buried steel structure manufacturers plot, they sometimes can anchor bolts position at 90 degrees, and other review, it was too late; dimensions deviation to offset 50 ~ 100mm no surprise. Before construction must be reminded, best tests, based on the text (self-protection).11, wind resistance column to steel beam connections as a spring board to connect, intermediate cross girder installation Deflection large gable beams if connected with bolts and wind-resistant column, cause roofing uneven.12 detail layout and steel beams of the roof purlins should be carefully checked, often found that the number of substandard roof purlins layout diagram detailing and steel beam purlins.The deformation of the gusset plate 13. Gusset plate without stiffeners, and some designers did not design, leading to follow-up welding.14, beams do Department rod connecting plate, there is no proper hole extended in some places because the Department of the rod connecting plate too long, resulting in too little space, tied too long and will not fit into. Some beam structure often this has happened.Fifth, doing a strip window the purlin plate stiffeners toward the direction of the window, the stripe windows went to the ribs, and leaves past. In addition, as far as possible in the the stripe windows purlin installation countersunk head screws.16, door upper the stripe windows and the door on the box is too close, not awning the position.The 17th, sash up and down the adjacent purlin distance between the brace did a good layout, brace ends with sash conflict.Eighteen types of steel plate and high-strength bolts as little as possible, to consider the cost of material testing. Especially off-site construction, and some on-site supervision does not recognize the factory test. You go to coordinate, right?19th, purlin connection plate designed to try not square, reversed assembly workshop.20, within the gutter without insulation layer, the formation of a "cold bridge" indoor produce dripping condensation phenomenon. Should be in the gutter brushing anti-condensation paint or spray polyurethane insulation layer, and also do other thermal insulation. stone coated steel roofing tile, Roof sandwich tablet, it is estimated that within six months (if the span is slightly larger) is necessary to leaking. A check the roof panels outer layer plate Jidao the off marks, because there is no consideration of it in the sun, repeated thermal expansion and contraction. In fact, after construction (sun) to the indoor listen you know how it is.

exterior paint durability Construction relations

1 exterior paint durability1.1 weatherability and color retentionDecorative function is one of the important features of the exterior paint. Cultured Stone Veneer Exterior paint is long-term exposure to the outdoors, by the wind, rain and sun, after a period of time, the appearance of finishes chalking, discoloration, discoloration, loss of light and other phenomena. The weathering of high-performance exterior paint color retention requirements generally 8 ~ 10a, the equivalent of a national standard artificial accelerated aging 1000h, and its color is not greater than 2. Coating chalking, fading and discoloration and coating binders and pigments are closely linked.(A) Binders and weatherability and color retentionThe base material plays a decisive role in the performance of the paint. External finishes by ultraviolet light, the sun and the rain will progressively deterioration, which ultraviolet impact. It enables the base polymer chemical reaction and deterioration. If the emulsion polymer containing a polyethylene, polyacrylate, polymethacrylate, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, poly (vinyl acetate) and poly-butadiene, etc., by ultraviolet radiation, it is prone to the main chain scission, intermolecular cross linking or degradation reactions.So that the binder polymer for crosslinking or degradation will cause changes in coating properties: intermolecular crosslinking makes extended reduced, while the main chain will reduce the strength of the coating, eventually leading to the yellowing of the exterior paint or powder technology. Note that the base material in the preparation of high performance exterior paint should preferably therefore, select the excellent weathering resistance of the emulsion as a binder. Silicone modified acrylic emulsion and water emulsion polyurethane is the fastest growing and the most the coating binders variety of development prospects. Higher chemical bonds between the polymer molecules of these binders and special molecular structure determines they have excellent anti-aging properties, its artificial accelerated aging more than 1500h, some even up to 3000h, fully able to meet the high-performance exterior paint on Binders weatherability requirements. Of course, the emulsion weather resistance not only concerned with the varieties And it is also the size of the emulsion particles in the emulsion and emulsifying system closely related. Emulsion finer particles, the coating film formed by the more perfect, the more excellent weather resistance corresponding. Furthermore, still in the emulsion by adding a certain amount of an ultraviolet absorber, can reduce the UV damage of the coating film.(2) pigments and weathering protection colorPaint coating by the base material polymer and the Yen (fill) material. Therefore, the types and ratio of the two kinds of main component determines the structure and physical properties of the coating film. In the coating formulation, when the pigment volume concentration (PVC) is below the critical PVC, pigment particles dispersed in the base polymer continuous phase to form the "sea - island" structure; but if the PVC exceeds the critical PVC base polymers the gaps between the pigment particles can not be completely filled with loose accumulation of pigment particles, voids therebetween, the coating scrub resistance, contamination resistance, weatherability, a sharp decline. Similar emulsion varieties, PVC is lower, the higher the gloss, weathering resistance, color retention worse. So, in the preparation of high performance exterior paint should strictly control PVC less than the critical PVC as far as possible, to ensure the integrity of the coating.The primary role of the pigment is to make the coating film has a certain degree of opacity and show different colors, so to make the coating film has excellent weather resistance, a pigment on the need to have good hiding power and coloring power, the higher the degree of dispersion, sharp The color and light stability. The white pigment excellent weather resistance, not only their own color consistent, and can absorb large amounts of ultraviolet light, to mitigate the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation on the base material or other color pigments that improve weatherability of the coating color retention. White pigment, the most widely used, and the best of rutile titanium dioxide. Color pigments, inorganic and organic pigments are used, but the coating film weathering performance considerations, the general use of inorganic pigment is more suitable. The light resistance and weather resistance of the inorganic pigments are generally superior to organic pigments, present in the exterior latex paint, the main use of the excellent weathering resistance of the iron-based pigment.In addition, in the high-performance coated should avoid using easy powder filler, and filler has better weather and pH stability. Better application precipitated barium sulfate, quartz powder, mica and wollastonite powder.2.2 stain resistanceChina's industrial smoke, excessive dust and vehicle exhaust emissions, high dust content in the air, and less per capita green area. Therefore, high stain resistance exterior paint adapt to this special state of the environment is extremely important practical significance.High stain resistance performance of the exterior paint is very important. Exterior paint slowly, an important reason for this is the stain resistance of the coating is not ideal, the decorative effect is short-lived. Therefore, the need to address an important issue for the high-performance exterior paint is to try to improve the coating anti-stain resistance coating of contaminated medium resilience. Coating anti-contamination and poor performance of the main reasons are: ① the coating preparation process generally required the use of emulsifiers and a variety of additives, with the passage of time, in the coating of these low molecular weight substances to be volatilized, so that the coating left in a large number of pores. The microstructure, compared with solvent-based paints, latex paints and coatings containing a large number of micropores, and the surface is relatively rough, exhibit uneven. Atmospheric dust is easily deposited under the effect of gravity which, to different degrees of covering of the coating color. When it rains, the dust along with the rain capillary action penetrated coating, evaporation of water, dust particles continue to be retained in the pores, "fatal" impact this will have on the decorative effect of the coating.Therefore, increasing the density of the coating, hard is an important way to address contamination issues. I have developed a sol-acrylate emulsion organic-inorganic composite coatings, anti-stain determination, its reflectance decreased only about 5%, mainly due to the sol colloidal particles are relatively subtle, the particle size is generally 5 ~ 40nm, the structure after the film formation is very compact and hard, the gap is minimal, dust particles easily penetrated therebetween. Add nanoscale SiO paint can improve the hardness of the coating to dramatically improve the ability of anti-staining. ② binder, the organic polymer chain structure determines the polymer emulsion coating prone to the accumulation of static electricity, thereby generating the electrostatic adsorption, dust particles are easily adsorbed at the surface of the coating, the decorative effect of the coating, the emulsion polymer chain covalent bond (e.g. Si-O) of the introduction of some of the ionic inorganic conductive properties, can be improved to avoid electrostatic adsorption pollution of the coating. ③ Since the coating high temperature return YS, easy, dust, resulting decorative effect decreased, generally high hardness coating stain resistance, which requires a high glass transition temperature (Tg) of the emulsion, but the coating film at the same time constructability disadvantage. Cultured Stone VeneerStrictly speaking, the paint just a semi-final purpose coating on the surfaces of buildings, buildings from the decorative and protective role. Therefore, the dry film coating after construction is finished. Coating durability play supporting construction technology have a close relationship, in order to obtain a satisfactory long-term effects of finishing, it is necessary to strictly control the construction engineering quality of the paint.Usually due mainly out powder coating defects caused by improper construction methods of exterior paint, peeling, efflorescence, shedding. In order to avoid the emergence of these quality defects, should be strictly in accordance with the the coating construction engineering specifications for construction. For cement grassroots should pay special attention to control moisture and alkalinity. Accordance with the regulations applying emulsion paint, the moisture content shall not be greater than 10%; concrete base material curing period should be more than 28d, cement mortar plastering should be more than 14d, grassroots pH control in less than l0; surface should be cleared before construction dust, oil, etc., to maintain the cleanliness of the surface of the grass-roots level; sealing primer before coating porous substrates should be brushing a layer of latex or solution type, to avoid the suction of the substrate on the coating uneven, causing flooding.


 artificial cultured stone veneer silicone rubber mold making methods and features!

    artificial cultured stone veneer the reason why more people are concerned about more natural culture stone, one of the reasons is because the color of the artificial culture stone Manufactured Stone Veneer colorful, but if the mold is not handled properly, it will affect the colors of culture stone.
    Generally, artificial culture stone mold plastic and silicone rubber to make molds, plastic molds for the early years of use, it has a relatively low cost advantage of, but the plastic mold is generally not enough fine, the color is more difficult on the go, pigments absorb low , so often there will be "painted face". In addition, the plastic mold when the mold production due to the high temperature melt molding, high energy consumption will smell pollution of the environment so it could not pass the EPA the EIA this off.
artificial cultured stone veneer mold silicone varieties developed in accordance with the special requirements of the production of culture stone. High, medium and low-end of its sub-six varieties. Culture stone mold silicone rubber has the same general resin mold silicone heat because of the particularity of the cultural production of stone materials, requirements, resistance to expansion as well as different hardness, acid and resistance to tearing, so as to adapt to the culture The stone mold special requirements proposal must not be mixed.
    In recent years, artificial cultured stone factory to produce culture stone mold silicone rubber, molding simple high yield, and the Silastic culture stone mold texture and delicate pigment absorption rate is higher, so the general large-scale artificial culture stone manufacturers use silicone rubber mold .
    Mold Silicone operation:
    1, silica and a curing agent was stirred uniformly, the appearance of silicone molds is flowing liquid, the A component is a silica gel, the B component is a curing agent, for example: 100 g of silica gel was added 2 g of the curing agent (Note: silica gel with a curing agent must To stir, did not stir, the mold will affect the life of the silicone mold curing dry and uneven situation and the number of molds from even cause mold scrapped.
    2, vacuum row of bubbles processing: silicone curing agent after mixing evenly vacuum row of bubbles aspects vacuum of time should not be too long, not more than 10 minutes, or silicone cured to produce a cross-linking reaction, can not be brushing or perfusion, resulting in material waste.
    3, brushing procedure: row of bubbles silica: brushing or perfusion fell on the mother die (in the brush mode or perfusion former master mold release agent or release agent) the brush mode must be uniform, sticky layer of gauze or a glass fiber cloth after 30 minutes to increase the strength of the mold and the tension during the second priming and then paste a layer of gauze or a glass fiber cloth, and then subjected to silica gel brushing After this treatment out of the mold, having life and turning model number, long service life, cost savings, and improve efficiency.
    4, the general approach of the outer mold production of the mold is surrounded by a plastic sheet or plank enclosed, one is using the plaster mold box filled can is used, another outer mold resin brushing brushing one layer resin coating layer of glass fiber cloth and then brushing then paste repeated two or three can be completed outside the mold.
    5, the ratio of silica gel (silica gel, silicon) with a curing agent to reflect the situation: It is recommended that the amount of curing agent to be added is not more than 5%, the greater the proportion of curing agent to be added, the faster the curing time, the mold is more brittle, and short service life. The amount of added silicone oil molding better attention to the silicone oil should not be excessive (5% -10%), or affect the tensile and hardness of the silicone mold can also be based on product and process requirements.
Artificial cultured Manufactured Stone Veneer silicone mold features:
    1, good fluidity, good operating
    2, stretch, pull good tensile tear.
    3, moderate hardness, good mold release, no deformation.
    Its production of artificial culture stone:
    1, the original stone samples directly molds from the pouring, texture, color like heaven, uniform color, and the deployment of color based on the architectural design requirements.
    2, low water absorption (17,2%), can be directly used for the exterior walls.
    3 fold intensity up to 3,4 MPa, durable easy to damage, especially the surface strength of up to 12,8 Mpa, dense wear-resistant, not powder.
    4, the shrinkage rate is low (less than 0,5 mm / m) the cracking phenomenon does not appear.
    5, freeze-thaw resistance, -20 ℃ freezing and thawing 15 times up to 10,7 MPa compressive strength is still fully able to cope with the North and the South to a variety of complex outdoor environment.
    6 low bulk density, bulk density less than natural stone half greatly reduce wall load. 7, excluding radioactive substances, environmental radiation.


The Manufactured Stone Veneer 's advantage
Manufactured Stone Veneer is now very wide application and can be used for a new building can be used for the renovation of the old building, can be used indoors and outdoors, and can produce any models, you can do any color for any models. This is also the best-selling nation reasons. Designers in the United States wants to have a different color and stone, artificial Manufactured Stone Veneer can change the colors and styles, so they preferred artificial stone. Once this project, in the United States as long as this information, anyone can bid. Generally speaking, this project is confirmed, the project manager will require suppliers to provide a model reference. Are often looked the most beautiful, the color of the best companies will be successful. The price is not unimportant, first quality, good color designer.